Page 15 of Holiday Hideout (Polar Bear, Alaska)
Then, I wouldn’t be sitting here sweating.
Sad part is, I don’t think he’d ever see me as someone glamorous, like the women in Hollywood. I’m more of a plain Jane compared to those women.
I try to push the negative thoughts out of my head as I drive down the highway to take me out to Reindeer Glacier. It hasn’t snowed in a few days, so the weather should be perfect.
It made me laugh when I saw Fender exit his bedroom, all bundled with clothes. Poor guy.
The warm temperature on the glacier will surprise him. I know most would think a glacier would be freezing, but I swear the ice reflects the sliver of sun there is and makes the air warmer.
“I should warn you about all the safety precautions about visiting a glacier. We won’t be going out onto the main glacier at this park, but we will be at the base of Reindeer Glacier.”
“I should look out for animals, right?”
“No, keep your eyes peeled for moss-covered ice. It can be very slippery. Stay close to me.”
“Absolutely,” he breathes out.
My insides tingle, and once again the temperature in my Jeep rises. I enter the parking lot of the Reindeer Glacier National Park and pull into a spot. There’re few cars, and I’m happy with the fact too many people shouldn’t disturb us. Few people visit the glacier in winter.
I must be crazy.
But today’s forecast said it will be one of the warmer days, so it should be perfect for taking pictures.
“What do you do with the photos once you’ve taken them?” Fender asks as I grab my camera bag from the trunk area.
“Edit them. What do you mean?”
He smiles, grabbing my bag off my shoulder and swinging it over his own shoulder. “I mean, do you sell them?”
“No, I don’t.” I thank him for taking my bags and we head onto the trail that leads to the base of the glacier.
“Why not?”
“I don’t think anyone would buy them.”
He laughs. “You’d be surprised.”
“I guess I just lack the confidence.”
He steps closer, swiping a stray strand of brown hair that flies around my head. “You have no reason to doubt yourself in anything.”
“Thank you,” I breathe out.
One guide for the longer hikes steps up behind us, ruining our moment. “How far out are you folks going today?”
I turn around to see an old friend. “Hey, Sam. Not very far today.”
“Rachel, I didn’t know that was you.” He wraps me in a hug with his burly arms. “Taking pictures today?”
Sam’s brown eyes land on Fender. “Who’s this?”
“This is my friend, Fender.” They shake hands. “Sam and I grew up together. Our fathers have been friends since we were little,” I feel the need to explain.
“Nice to meet you,” Fender says.
“You too. Stay safe, Rachel. And tell your dad I said hi. I haven’t seen him in forever.”
I raise a brow. “What are you talking about? He went over to help your dad with some woodworking the other night. He’s actually been going there often to help him.”
Sam tilts his head. “Really? I don’t think so.”
“He said your dad has been working on some new projects.”
“Dad hasn’t worked on anything new since last April when he hurt his shoulder.”
“Oh, ok. I’ll let my dad know.” Where has my father been?
I push away the thought of asking my father later of his whereabouts and head down the trail.
“It feels good to be out in the fresh air. LA has such dirty air,” Fender says once we’ve traveled a ways down the trail.
“Do you get out a lot?”
“I used to. This past year has been a little rough.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s ok. There’s nothing anyone could have done. Life comes at you hard sometimes.”
I want him to tell me more, but I can tell this is one of those stories I don’t want to pressure him into telling. Hopefully, when he’s ready, he’ll share with me, and until then, I’ll stay silent.
“We can stop here, and I can take a few pictures of the glacier before we get there.”
“Is that the one we’re going on?” Fender stares up at the enormous chunk of ice.
“That’s the one.”
He sucks in a deep breath. “Ok, looks fun.”
I take the bag from his shoulder. “It will be, promise.”
“I’m trusting you.” He touches my arm. “And I don’t trust many people.”
My core temperature rises. I swallow as I blink up at him, the chemistry between us turning me into a mute.
We find a sizeable rock to sit on, and I take out my camera, connecting the lens to the base. “Look over there.” I point to a white bear in the distance.
Fender stiffens. “That thing won’t bother us, will it?”
I shake my head, snapping pictures of the bear moving through the area. “No, he won’t.”
“Look at you being all confident.”
I laugh at his words. “I guess there’re some things I’m confident about.” I peek up at him.