Page 43 of From This Moment
“Fine by me. I’ll pick you up at about one,” Jake says, leaving the kitchen.
“I’ll be ready.”
Moving in close to Rona, I take her face between my hands and smooth my thumbs along her cheekbones. “Are you sure you’re all right?”
“I was good from the moment you climbed into bed with me,” she murmurs against my lips before she seals them in a kiss.
After a breakfast of bagels and coffee, spending most of the morning lying on the sofa and listening to music with Cade’s arms wrapped around me is amazing. Well, what more could I ask? Dublin, the wedding, my life before I came to Jackson Hole seems like a distant memory or a story that happened to someone else. This feels like home to me and my resolve not to return to Dublin is stronger than ever.
“Cade, I need to tell you something.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“After the fiasco in Dublin, I resigned from my job and gave my apartment up. Anything that wouldn’t fit into my suitcase, I gave to charity. So at least for now, I don’t have any intention of returning to Ireland unless it’s for a vacation. I’m basically homeless.”
After a brief pause, he says, “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day. You can stay here.” He looks so happy.
“Cade, you do know I can afford my own home? I don’t mean I want to buy my own home. I’m just pointing out that I can. I love you and never want to leave. I just don’t want you thinking I’m using you for free accommodation.”
He laughs. “I love you too, and if I have my way you’ll never leave here.” He kisses me.
“We really need to tell Anna and Beth. I don’t like hiding from them.”
“I don’t either,” he assures. “Give it a couple of days and I’ll talk to them.”
“Okay, but we will talk to them.”
Chapter 13
Heading into town with Jake is fun, especially since I can’t stop grinning. He keeps passing sly glances toward me, which has me turning away to the window to hide my grin. He knows his dad and I have spent the night together, so I’m not sure what he wants me to say.
I turn back to him and decide to ask, “What’s wrong? And don’t say nothing!”
He sighs. “It’s not you and my dad. I’m really pleased for you both.” He quickly glances at me, and then turns his attention to the road ahead. “Elise was supposed to call the whole engagement thing off with Tom, but so far she hasn’t. I don’t know what the hell to make of it.”
“Can’t you give her a bit of time? She only mentioned this to me yesterday.”
“She did?”
“Yes. And I think you need to give her a couple of days, instead of hours. It can’t be easy for her.”
“I’ll try. I’ve waited a long time to get her back so I suppose a couple more days can’t harm anyone. At least she knows I’m not planning on leaving her this time around.” Jake still sounds upset. “I mean, I’ve told her everything about my injury and how I feel about her so you don’t think she’s pretending to get back at me for what I did to her when I chose the Marines, do you?”
“Elise doesn’t come across as though she’d do that. But if in doubt, I suggest you kidnap her. Whisk her away somewhere romantic and show her just how serious you are.” Jake looks shocked. “You need to take her somewhere secluded so that it’s just the two of you,” I stress.
“Are you mad?”
I laugh. “I probably am.” Then more seriously, I add, “Don’t let her go without a fight, Jake. You’ll regret it if you do.”
The rest of the drive passes in silence. I really need to think of a way to help Jake. I wonder if something has changed since Elise spoke to me yesterday. There’s no way I mistook her feelings for Jake. Not with the way she reacted to me kissing him goodbye.
Jake and his problems will have to wait though, because we’re approaching town and I could do with Jake pulling over soon.
“Would you mind if I do a bit of shopping first? I wouldn’t mind some more clothes. I don’t have that many. I think I need something sexy to surprise your dad.”