Page 27 of From This Moment
He holds his hand out to stop what I’m about to say. “Dad, it’s all right.”
I’ve already guessed maybe Jake isn’t too bothered about me being attracted to Rona. Hearing him say it has feelings rising up inside me that I’d rather not show to the world, me being a guy and all. I do have to ask him, though. “Are you okay with that?”
“It was really weird at first when I suspected there was something between you both, not just because of your ages, but because it’s the first time I’ve ever seen you with a woman. You don’t date, at least not at home.”
I look at Jake. “I’ve never been in love before. Lust, yes. But never love, not until Rona.” I laugh. “Shit, I can’t believe I just admitted that to my son.”
“It’s okay, Dad. I’ve seen how Rona lights up when she’s with you, and she seems to be a good person. As long as you don’t expect me to call her ‘Mom,’ I’m okay with you being together.”
I feel a sense of relief at his words. “I think that can be arranged. How do you think Anna and Beth will feel?”
Jake chuckles as he opens the door of the hotel. “I have no idea. You’re on your own with those two. I don’t envy you.”
Entering the grill, I spot Rona taking a seat opposite a blond-haired guy. He seems polite enough as he holds the chair out for her. He certainly has the looks, but he has a gleam in his eye and what I’d call a cocky smile. Rona doesn’t seem to notice and by the time she looks back at him, the smile is pleasant. The bastard’s up to something and my radar is now on full alert.
Jake, seemingly lost for words, asks, “Did you see that?”
“Yes, I did.”
Sitting down with Nick confirms for me that I really do feel nothing for him. I told Cade I had no feelings for Nick, but until this moment I hadn’t realized they were completely gone. All that’s left is the suspicion that perhaps he’s used me. Then again, if it weren’t for Nick I would never have met Cade so I’m trying not to be too angry here.
I can’t help comparing the two men who have so recently affected the course of my life. Where Nick is tall with blonde hair and dressed in a suit, Cade is taller with dark hair and an air of sophistication about him. They are so different. But I know who has my heart and it isn’t the man sitting in front of me.
“You look good, Rona. Jackson Hole must be good for you.” Taking a drink of his beer, he watches me as though he’s expecting me to respond in kind.
Instead, I remain quiet.
“I was stupid doing what I did back in Ireland,” he says. His voice sounds forced.
“Stupid, as in arranging a wedding or stupid for canceling an hour before?” I glare at him.
“Now Rona, don’t be like that. We had some good times during the six months we were together.” Leaning forward, he rests his elbows on the table. “I think we can have them again. I want you back, babe. I miss you.”
A small laugh erupts from my lips and a few people glance at me. “Seriously?”
He nods and I sit back in my chair, stunned.
Crap, I didn’t see that one coming.
I take a good look at him as I sip my coffee. He seems the same as usual, although a bit rumpled, but there’s something different that I can’t put my finger on. He’s developed some kind of nervous twitch and keeps glancing around as though he’s looking for someone.
Thinking back to our time together, it dawns on me that the majority of the time he let me pay, whether it was dinner out, the cinema or even the holiday we went on. There was always an excuse. I even bought the SUV he’s been driving around in. He talked me into it by saying how much better it would hold up in an accident and how it would be safer for our kids.
He fed into every wish I had about having a family.
What an idiot I’ve been! I’d bet he knew about my inheritance before I even told him.
After he proposed.
God, I could kick myself.
I narrow my eyes. “Are you sure there isn’t another reason why you want me back?”