Page 128 of From This Moment
It’s been three weeks since I left the hospital and came back to my house. Anna wanted me to stay with her for a few days, but I knew I had to go straight back to my house, otherwise I wasn’t sure I ever would.
Tom was buried a few days after I was released from the hospital. It was a quiet ceremony and I really didn’t expect anyone to be there. I was surprised to see Anna and Beth with their husbands along with Elise and Jake. I should have known they would be there, but after what he did to Rona, I wasn’t really expecting them to be. They were there for me.
About to leave the cemetery, I’d spotted Josh Mitchell, the man who I couldn’t get out of my dreams, standing beside his car. Watching. Since then, I haven’t seen him or heard from the police about Tom’s notebook.
Tonight, I’m actually feeling rather mellow, although the bottle of wine I’ve just consumed with pizza may be the cause of the mellowness! I’m not a drinker and only usually have a glass of wine with friends.
I feel as though my life is on a downward spiral. I can’t go anywhere in town these days without folk pointing their fingers at me, gossiping. I had a few friends and now I hardly have any, all because of my brother.
Sitting back on the sofa feeling sorry for myself, I take another drink, spilling it down my top. “Hells, bells and buckles.” Standing up, I sway slightly as I walk to the bathroom, pulling my clothes off as I go.
Switching the shower to cold first, I hope the shock of the water will sober me up. Standing under the spray, I really am shocked and scream the house down, slipping and sliding trying to turn the temperature up. Having never had a cold shower before, I’m not sure what I was expecting, but ice cold freezing wasn’t it. Screaming again, I finally find the dial for the temperature and turning it up nearly fry my skin.
Giving up, I open the shower door and practically fall out, slipping on the bathroom floor. I end up crashing into Josh Mitchell on the way down to the floor, landing on top of him.
Hearing a grunt in my befuddled brain, I lift my head up and look into Josh’s eyes. His eyes are dark, his pupils dilated. He has one hand on my rump and the other at the back of my head. There is also something rather hard and solid digging into my stomach. He feels heavenly. I can’t remember the last time I was this close to a man.
I really don’t want to move because the man beneath me feels amazing, and his growing erection that I’m pressed against is causing a throbbing between my thighs. Not only that, but I’m naked so if I move Josh will get one hell of a view.
Finding my tongue, I ask, “How did you get in here?” I can’t believe I’ve spent this time lying on Josh, enjoying myself, and it not even registering that he’s in my house when he isn’t supposed to be.
“Heard you scream. Came in,” he struggles to say. His hand on my rump starts to move, in a caress. Never in a million years did I expect to be lying on top of Josh Mitchell in my bathroom, naked as the day I was born.
He’s just as aroused as I am. His cock is pulsing with life against my stomach and I can’t resist rubbing against him. His head drops to the floor with a thud as he groans, his hips surge up against me with his straining erection trying to get some relief. I push against him.
Holding me tight, he rolls over. “Grace,” he groans, looking down into my eyes.
“Mmm.” He feels too damn good, I can’t think of anything to say.
He rests his forehead against mine. “I didn’t come here . . . to do this.” He takes a couple of deep breaths, which pushes his groin tighter against me.
I lick my lips
. His eyes darken even more as they follow the movement of my tongue.
“Grace.” He sweeps down and captures my lips with his, slipping his tongue inside my mouth. Lifting my arms, I wrap them around his shoulders, pulling him closer still, and run my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. He shivers as I moan against his mouth.
Wrapping my legs around his hips as the kiss deepens even more, I rub myself against him. He feels so good. Kissing me. Touching me.
Breaking from the kiss, breathing heavily, Josh meets my eyes. “We have to stop. I want you,” he laughs, “but not like this.”
“You really want me?” I whisper. I thought perhaps he just reacted to having a naked woman in his arms.
He rests his forehead against mine again. “I came to ask you out to dinner. I can’t get you out of my head.” He doesn’t sound too happy with this statement. I am.
“Fuck. I’ve left your front door open.” With a slight hesitation, he stands up.
Reaching out with his hands, he helps me up from the floor, passing me my robe, which he snags from the hook on the back of the bathroom door. “Put this on. Dressed you’re a distraction. Undressed, you’re driving me crazy.”
Chapter 4
Moving past Grace, I walk back toward the front of the house where the door is still wide-open letting in a chill. Stepping outside, I lean on the porch railing and take in some deep breaths. Christ, the woman nearly killed me.
When I arrived earlier, I’d raised my hand to knock on the door and heard her scream. I managed to quickly open the door, which had a flimsy lock and raced to the back of the house where the screaming was still coming from. Pushing the door open, not realizing at the time that it was a bathroom, I got one hell of a view and before I knew it, she was against me, losing her footing, she ended up taking us both down to the floor.
With Grace on top of me, naked no less, I didn’t stand a chance of hiding the surge of lust that ran through my body. My cock was hard and ready for action. Action it has only been getting with my fist lately. It’s a hell of a long time since I’d been with a woman. With work and the constant traveling, there was no time to hook up with anyone. One-night stands always seem to leave me uneasy and restless, so I’d stopped having them.