Page 125 of From This Moment
Anna turns back to me. “Grace, how are you doing?” she asks, as Josh starts moving toward the door.
“I’ll leave you both to it. Take care, Grace.” He opens the door and then he turns back and gives me one hell of a look, setting off tingles of awareness between my thighs.
Closing the door as he exits, Anna looks back at me, no doubt noticing the blush I can’t hide. “Grace Landon, what on earth have you done to that guy? He couldn’t take his eyes from you.”
“I could use a fan over here.” I laugh to try and hide my embarrassment. Never in my twenty-five years has anyone looked at me the way Josh just did. I’m still hot and bothered.
“You didn’t answer my question Grace. How are you doing?”
“I’m feeling a lot better. My headache is dim now compared to when I woke up in here. I guess I just feel overwhelmed with everything I have to deal with as soon as I get out of here.”
“Please try not to worry. You have friends, Grace, who want to help you.”
I frown because I’m not known for letting someone else do things for me.
“On this occasion, you have to ask for help and don’t tell me you can handle it on your own. You’ve been through a lot and even though Tom was up to no good in the end, he was still your brother. I’m here to help and I’m not budging until you ask me to do something for you. Beth has asked me to tell you that she’s free to help as well. Both of us have a spare room so you can stay with one of us if you can’t face going home.” Running out of steam, Anna takes the seat Josh vacated.
I start to laugh. There is nothing else for it. Listening to ‘bossy’ Anna, and watching her facial expressions has really cheered me up and started to pull me out of the slump I was falling into.
Wiping my tears away for an entirely different reason as before, I look at Anna, who is trying her best not to laugh with me. “Okay Anna, you win. What do you want to do to help? I have a list so take your pick.”
“Well now that you’ve agreed, I suppose I need to admit to you that Beth, Justin and Mack are at your house cleaning up the mess.” I open my mouth to speak, but Anna holds her hand up to stop me. “Your house will be in walk-in condition when you get out of the hospital, if you do want to go back there. There is something I can’t do for you, but will be there with you, and that’s to arrange Tom’s funeral.” I just nod my head when Anna finishes speaking. I feel really choked up that they would do all that for me.
“Thank you. For everything.”
“Don’t worry. The nurse said you might be released tomorrow, in which case, I’ll come and pick you up. I can take you home, if that’s where you decide to go and take you to the funeral home to get that out of the way. It’s one less thing for you to worry about.”
“All right.” I just agree, because I know from experience that there is no use in arguing with Anna when she has a bee in her bonnet.
“I’ll go, and let you sleep.”
“Wait a minute. Will you tell me how Rona is?” I ask, feeling responsible.
“She’s a bit sore on her hip and thigh, which she banged up when she fell into the coffee table. She was also hit in the face, which has left some bruising. She’ll be okay. My dad is looking after her. In fact, she’ll probably be lucky to go to the bathroom on her own with how my dad is hovering,” she laughs, but sees the look on my face. “Grace. Do not blame yourself. Your brother was responsible for his own actions and nobody blames you. Do you hear me?”
I smile at her. “Yes, Mom!”
Laughing, she collects her purse from the chair. “I’ll see you tomorrow Grace and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do with that hot, DEA agent.” With that, she walks out the door, leaving me with images that are not going to help me sleep and will probably have me blushing like crazy if I see Josh Mitchell again.
Chapter 2
Not really having a lead to go on in the search for Nick Lucas, I park up in the center of town trying to think like him. He was after Rona for her money, and he needed it to leave town, so at a guess, I’d say he’s still in the area and will probably try again. Seeing how protective Cade is with Rona, I doubt he’ll get a second chance to get to her. I hope not. God, Rona. She’s stunning. My tongue was nearly hanging out of my mouth when I first saw her a couple of days ago. It was only a look from Daniel that helped me get it together again. What an idiot.
Then walking into the hospital yesterday morning to interview Grace, my heart stopped. What is it about Jackson Hole and hot women? Grace looked so fragile lying in the bed with her dark hair flowing in waves over her chest. What the hell got into me when I’d finished questioning her, I’ll never know. It was as though someone else had taken over my body and before I knew what I was doing, I was standing beside her bed with a lock of soft hair wrapped around my finger. God knows what I would have done if Anna hadn’t walked into the room.
Glancing out of the window, I notice Rona with Elise and Justin taking seats in the grill across the road. Wanting to see Rona again and check on how she’s doing, I climb out of the car and walk across the street, but on entering the grill, I hover. Watching the server deliver their refreshments, I start to walk over.
Rona, just about to take a bite from her cake looks up and sees me. She pauses with a spoon of cake half way to her mouth, placing it back on her plate when she realizes I’m heading over to their table.
“Hello, Rona. How are you feeling?” I ask, smiling at her.
“Hi, Josh. I’m fine thank you.”
I look at Elise who seems more amused than anything and then Justin.
“Josh, this is Elise,” Rona introduces.