Page 10 of From This Moment
Jake laughs. “Do you want me to tuck you in?”
“I think I can manage,” I reply, not looking at Cade, who has gone tense thanks to Jake’s teasing.
Finally excusing myself, I head to my room and the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and dropping the cardigan over the arm of the sofa, I climb into bed, switching the light off. I’m asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
I try to ignore Rona as she walks away from the living room and heads for the stairs, but I’m so drawn to her, my eyes track her until she disappears from view.
I’ve probably been alone too long, and that’s why I can’t keep my eyes from her. Once or twice during dinner I caught the look of longing on her face as she gazed at me. There’s a pull between us I can’t explain, and I’m not sure I want to. For once in my life, I’ve met someone who makes me want to go after what I desire instead of letting it pass me by. Not that I’ve ever felt this kind of pull toward a woman before.
Sighing, not knowing whether or not it’s possible, I rest my head along the back of the chair and meet Jake’s stare. I feel so much love for him. As a father, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express what it truly feels like to have Jake home, knowing he won’t be shipping out again.
My only worry I do have with him is the pain I can clearly see he suffers. I wish there was something I could do to help him, but I know it’s something only time can heal.
“I know what you’re going to say.” Jake smiles.
I raise an eyebrow in question.
He continues, “I’m fine, Dad. Although I hate taking the painkillers, I’m not going to stop because I’m a stubborn ass.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” I sit forward in the chair and rest my elbows on my thighs while watching him.
He’s in pain right now, and trying to hide the fact.
“I know you’re afraid of becoming addicted to the painkillers, but I know you, and there’s no way that’s going to happen. If you do as the doctor instructed by cutting them down gradually, then you won’t have a problem.”
“I know.” Jake rubs his thigh with a wince.
“You’re in pain now.”
Jake hesitates before replying, “Yeah. With all the traveling and then heading out to the barn, I’ve overdone it. I should have just rested up for a while instead. I’ll take a hot shower, and then the painkillers before hitting the sack. They’ll knock me out.”
“I know you, Jake, and for once in your life if you need help with anything, you ask me. No matter how old you are, you’re still my son, and as long as I’m able, I’m here for you.”
He nods as he fights with some unknown emotion.
Jake has always been proud. At eighteen, he went off to Paris Island as a boy, but he came back a man—one I’m damned proud of. The only drawback is that he’s more stubborn than ever, which frustrates the hell out of me.
Changing the subject, I ask, “Have you thought about what you want to do now that you’re home?” I’m hoping his answer is to work with the horses, but I’m not sure where his head is in all this since his dream of being a Marine is at an end.
He shrugs and tries to get into a more comfortable position, rubbing his thigh again. “I was thinking about helping out at the stables with Anna for now.” He smiles, as he loves working with the animals and they love him. “I want to spend as much time as I can on finishing the inside of my house as well. It’s about time that it became a home.” He looks out through the window, unable to see anything with the night having settled in, but I have the feeling he’s a million miles away, and focused on a blonde.
Now he’s home, I’m hoping he finally goes after the girl he should have never left. Although I didn’t agree with him for what he did to Elise, when he left, I understood. I just hope he has plans to put everything right.
Hiding a yawn behind my hand, I stretch out before standing and glance at Jake who is struggling to his feet. It kills me standing on the sidelines, knowing he won’t appreciate any help offered. But maybe he’ll ask when he needs me.
Jakes starts to limp toward his room. “Night, Dad. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He doesn’t look back.
“Night, son.”
Unable to watch Jake any longer, I turn and head upstairs feeling my years as my body lets it be known how tired I am.
Chapter 3
How fabulous, waking up to the sound of birds chirping away outside on the balcony. I had such a good night’s sleep. Now well-rested, I’m looking forward to spending the day with Cade. I shouldn’t be so excited, but I am. When I’m with Cade, all my problems just disappear and he’s the only one I see. The only one I’m thinking about.