Page 81 of Rose and Jacob
Dean took hold of Mack’s hand and led her back to the car. He helped her inside before he ran around the front to climb in himself. “Where do you want to go from here, Mack?”
She offered him a sad smile. “Just take me home.”
“Okay, babe. Anything you say.”
Chapter 34
Back at Rose Cottage, Dean ushered Mack inside and into a chair at the kitchen table. “Your hands are freezing.” He turned to warm some water for a hot drink, trying to bring some life back into her.
With a drink made, he passed it to Mack and wrapped her fingers gently around the cup. “Thank you, Dean, for being there with me.”
He moved his chair closer to Mack’s as he put an arm around her and rubbed her shoulder with his hand. “I’m here for you . . . now and always. I love you and I’m not going anywhere.” He cupped his hand underneath her chin and brought her face up to his for a sweet, slow kiss.
“Are you really, Dean?”
Dean smiled. “Yes, Mack. I am. If that’s okay with you?”
“Mmm. That’s more than okay.”
The next minute, Lucas barged right through the kitchen door. “Auntie Mack, you’re back!” Not realizing he’d interrupted anything, Lucas carried on walking straight through to the living room. “You coming, Dean?” he shouted, his voice filled with challenge.
Dean glanced at Mack. “In a minute, champ.”
Mack seemed to be pulling herself together, so standing, he took hold of her hand and urged her up into his arms.
With her arms wrapped around his waist, she snuggled into his chest and slid her hands further down Dean’s back. She pulled his hips into contact with hers, and then lifted her face up to look at him. He sealed his lips to hers.
He was breathing heavily as he pulled his lips away from hers. “You’re asking for trouble by doing that!”
“Promises, promises.” She gave him a saucy grin.
About to grab her again, Dean stopped himself as Thomas walked through the back door.
“Are you feeling better, Mack?” Dean asked.
She nodded.
Dean smiled. “We’ll finish what you started later,” he whispered, and planted a quick kiss on Mack’s lips before he joined Lucas on the Wii in the living room.
Mack felt all hot and bothered after having Dean’s hands and mouth on her. She watched Thomas walk cautiously into the room before he made eye contact with her. “You look like a flushed ghost,” he observed. Mack raised an eyebrow. “You’re white as a ghost and obviously flushed with whatever that young man was doing to you.”
She blushed even more. “Thomas, we spoke to Richard this morning.” She took a seat at the table and waited for Thomas to join her. “He told me what happened that night, and he also told me how your father knew Rose was pregnant.”
Thomas silently rubbed his face with his hands. “I did wonder if Richard had spoken to her before she died because I could never
figure out how Father knew she was pregnant.”
“Apparently, he found her at the cliffs and begged her to stay and marry him. He said she’s the only woman he has ever loved, and I believe him. Richard told Rose he would even bring Jacob’s child up as his own.”
He shook his head. “He was married and has a daughter. Are you saying he admitted to only loving my sister, Rose?”
“No. He said she was the first woman he had ever loved and he never loved anyone else as much. I guess, in his own way, he loved his wife, but it was just in a different way.”
“Then I feel sorry for him. His wife was a lovely woman. In fact, she was best friends with my wife, and when Janet died, she would bring meals to me three times a week.”
Mack just sat quietly for a short time, at a loss for words. “Richard said to tell you that he was sorry he never told you anything about that night. He presumed everyone would think that he’d pushed her off because she’d chosen Jacob instead of him.”
Mack glanced into the living room to make sure Dean and the Wii game they were playing was still entertaining Lucas. She caught Dean’s eye. He winked at her and blew her a kiss, which made her smile.