Page 68 of Rose and Jacob
Mack was mesmerized, while Dean smirked, feeling rather pleased with himself.
After some thought, Lucas said, “Yeah, that’s cool . . . I guess.”
“Thomas, will you be all right meeting Jacob?” Mack asked with some concern, trying to change the subject.
“I think so, Mack. I never actually met him apart from that brief time on the cliffs when Rose met him for the first time, but he may remember my name, unless we just forget about my surname for today?”
“Okay, that might be for the best, at least at first,” Mack replied.
Dean pulled into his parents’ drive, only to find there were already a lot of cars parked in it. He felt nervous and wondered just what kind of garden party was taking place this afternoon. When he’d spoken to his mother yesterday, she’d said it was ‘just family,’ and the last ti
me Dean counted, family didn’t include this many people.
As Dean switched the engine off, he ran around to help Mack out of the car, not wanting her to break her neck in the sexy-as-hell heels.
He stood there admiring her legs until he felt her knowing grin. She knew just how much she aroused him. “You enjoying the view?”
“You have no idea how much.” He smoothed his hand over her hip and pulled her close while his hand traveled south to caress her bottom.
They heard some chuckling from the back of the car, which reminded Dean to step back and open the door so that Thomas and Lucas could climb out.
Lucas was still looking as neat as a pin, and Thomas looked as though he was really enjoying himself at Dean and Mack’s expense.
“Dean. You’re finally here. Cynthia has been asking for you!” Mack froze at this comment from an older woman who was, obviously, Dean’s mother.
“Mack, remember what I said on the road, okay?” he whispered to her, trying not to panic himself.
Dean took a tight hold of her hand to reassure her that he was totally hers. He then led the way to introduce her to his mother. “Mother, I’m sure Cynthia can manage on her own. I want you to meet the woman who has stolen my heart, Mackenzie Harper. Mack, this is my mother, Anne.”
“Nice to meet you.” Mack held her hand out in greeting, only to be ignored.
“Who are they?” Anne asked Dean. She tried to drag him away from Mack, but he was having none of it and stayed attached to her.
“This is Lucas. He’s Mack’s nephew, and this devil is Thomas. He’s a good friend to us both. Actually, I think he’s trying to steal Mack away from me!”
“If I was a hell of a lot younger, I would give you a run for your money, young man!”
“Wouldn’t I get a say in any of this?” Mack asked as she raised one of her eyebrows at Dean and Thomas.
“No, babe. I’d just carry you away and tie you up until you agreed to be mine,” Dean announced, laughing.
“Mmm, would you now?” Dean’s eyes filled with heat at her unspoken invitation.
“This is ridiculous. What am I going to tell Cynthia and her parents, now you’ve turned up with this—” Anne trailed off, waving her arms toward Mack, Thomas, and Lucas.
Dean tightened his hold on Mack’s hand as she tried to break free. He wasn’t sure if it was to go back to her car or to hit his mother. She would be within her rights to do either. Dean was getting really pissed.
“Okay, Mother. I will say this for the last time. Please do not mention Cynthia or her parents to me again. This is Mack, and she is my woman. The woman I’m in love with. You will treat her with respect. You will also treat Thomas and Lucas with respect and you will drop this whole idea of marriage regarding Cynthia.” He paused. “Do I make myself clear?”
She stiffened her spine. “Very.”
“Dad, this is Mackenzie, otherwise known as Mack.” Dean had spotted his father coming toward them.
Dean’s father held his hand out to Mack. “It’s nice to meet you, Mack. Please call me James.”
“Nice to meet you too, James.” Mack released his hand. She was still upset over the reaction from Dean’s mother.
Dean continues, “This is Thomas, a good friend, and this is Lucas, Mack’s nephew.”