Page 30 of Rose and Jacob
Mack sighed in relief when Melinda finally shut up; she probably had to catch her breath. For some reason, when Melinda was on the phone, Mack could hardly shut her up, but when you talked to her in person, she could hold a perfect conversation. “Everything’s okay. Lucas is great. No gorgeous guys, unless you count a charming eighty-year-old named Thomas, and no, we aren’t bored yet.”
“Sorry, Mack.” Melinda laughed down the phone as she realized she hadn’t shut up long enough for Mack to answer her questions.
“It’s all right. I’m used to you by now.”
While she was still listening to her sister chat away, Mack heard a motorcycle outside. She plastered her nose up against the kitchen window just in time to see a jean-and-leather clad guy pull up next door. Wow, he looked hot, even from here. Tall, dark and mysterious.
She grabbed a magazine off the counter and used it to fan herself because she’d started to get all hot and bothered. He looked delicious, and Mack really hoped that when he removed his helmet, his face matched the rest of him.
“Mack, are you listening to me?” Melinda asked.
“No, you’re not. And did I hear a motorcycle?”
“Yes you did, and a very hot guy with a gorgeous butt, which I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on, has just pulled up outside next door. Hope he’s moving in. He looks sinful . . . Mmm!” Mack laughed at her sister. For once, she’d managed to shut her up. She turned around to find Lucas standing behind her with a big grin on his face. “Here, talk to your mother.” She passed him the phone.
Mack was still gazing at the guy next door and had tuned out the conversation Lucas was having with his mother about Thomas.
The hot guy had removed his helmet. He was tanned, had plenty of muscles, and cropped dark hair. Mouthwatering!
Mmm, she wouldn’t mind getting to know him. Things were looking up for this vacation!
After hiding her disappointment from Thomas, because the new neighbor who they’d heard rustling around next door, hadn’t stopped by, Mack baked a pound cake. She’d planned to take it around, once Lucas had left with Thomas to go fishing again before dinner, but the new neighbor had climbed back onto his bike and disappeared.
Sighing, Mack made a cup of coffee, retrieved Rose’s diary from her purse, curled up in the living room and settled down to read more about Rose and Jacob.
Chapter 13
March 27, 1947
We embrace in the library…
When I woke up this morning, I felt sore and achy between my legs, even after having a bath last night. It was early so I filled the bath with just enough warm water to cover my hips and soaked for about ten minutes. I felt wonderful after that and so much in love with Jacob. He said he would call in at the library to see me. I really hoped he would.
Jacob wanted to become an engineer and there were opportunities in Boston he told me. I really hoped he would take me with him when he left. He said he would take me anywhere I wanted to go but the only place I wanted to be was with him. He also told me that he really loved me. He made me feel so special.
I walked to work and bumped into Jayne, who was dashing to the office where she worked. Late again. “Jayne, if you didn’t spend so much time getting rea
dy, you wouldn’t be late so much,” I pointed out.
“I have to look perfect, Rose. It takes a while dealing with perfection.”
I rolled my eyes and laughed at her.
“Come on. If you’re going to walk with me, you need to speed up some.”
Well, there went my leisurely walk.
We dashed through town when Jayne started giving me odd looks. I had to know why so I pulled her to a stop. “What’s wrong?” Was she blushing? “Jayne?”
“Richard has asked me out to dinner,” she blurted out.
For a second, I just stared at her, and then started to laugh in relief. “Thank God for that.” She didn’t seem too impressed with my giggling. “I’m glad he’s moving on. He’s a nice guy, but not for me.”
She stood with her hands on her hips. “Are you seeing that man from the tea room?”
Heck. “You do realize you’re close to being very late for work.”