Page 24 of Rose and Jacob
“Rose, are you comfortable?” he whispered. The movie theater was really full tonight.
“I’m fine, thank you. Do you like Joan Caulfield? I think she’s great,” I asked.
“She’s all right, but I prefer Bing Crosby. I think he is very good.”
The movie started to get underway and stopped the chitchat. I was relieved, really. I didn’t know what to say t
o him. During the interval, I visited the restroom and was just about to open the door when two hands grabbed me. I was pulled into the cloakroom before I could even process what was happening. Jacob.
“What?” He slammed his lips down to mine. His tongue slipped between my lips. We both moaned.
“God, Rose. I can’t stop touching you. Wanting you.” He kissed me again. My arms were wrapped around his neck. His arms were wrapped around my waist. He held me against him and I felt his hardness between us.
“I wanted to remind you just who your guy is.”
“Okay.” I pulled his head back to me. I really couldn’t get enough of this man.
We were both breathing heavily when the bell sounded to let everyone know the movie was about to start up again.
“I need to get back to work. One of the guys is covering for me.” He caressed my face.
“I better get back as well. I’m really going to miss you.” I had to fight back my tears.
“I’ll miss you as well, Rose. I’ll see you soon. Now go.”
He placed a quick kiss to my lips and shoved me back through the curtains. I quickly made my way back to Richard, who looked at me with widened eyes. Oh, heck.
“Are you coming down with something? You look really flushed.”
“I think I might be, but I feel okay, really.” I took my seat again and avoided looking at him until I felt his hand creeping across the back of my chair. “What are you doing?”
“Um, stretching.” I wasn’t sure whether to believe him or not.
“Well, stretch somewhere else.”
He huffed and put his arms back down.
The movie seemed to drag after the interval with Jacob. Eventually, the lights went up, and everyone stood to stretch their legs, ready to exit.
“Would you like to go and have a slice of pie and chocolate milk?” Just about to refuse, my stomach grumbled. “I take it that’s a yes, then.”
I didn’t really have much choice, so I let Richard take me to the diner. On entering, he started to lead me to the front; he then froze and backtracked to the booths at the back of the room.
“Richard, who are they?” It looked like he was trying to avoid the three guys seated by one of the windows.
“I don’t know.”
He was grumpy now and I hesitated to say that he looked troubled. “Richard . . . ”
“Please don’t ask again, Rose.”
“Okay.” Well, that was odd.
We ate in silence, but by the time we had finished and he was driving me home, he seemed to be back to normal.
“Thank you for this evening, Rose. Perhaps we could do this again sometime?”
I tried to hide a yawn. “Maybe,” I mumbled behind my hand as he walked me to the front door. He made me nervous incase he expected a goodnight kiss, but luckily, JT opened the door and saved the day.