Page 15 of Rose and Jacob
“Yes, you can. Now come and sit back down beside me. Let’s clean your hands first with a wipe, and then I’ll pass you some chocolate.”
Not long after, Lucas’s bobber started bouncing on the waves as the line swayed back and forth in a crazy dance. They both jumped up and howled in delight—almost knocking all their gear into the river in the process. While Lucas jumped up and down cheering, Thomas managed to reel in a yellow perch on Lucas’s line.
“Well done, Lucas. Do you want to try again to see if we can catch enough for dinner?”
“Yes. Auntie Mack can cook them,” Lucas laughed. “You might have to get rid of the middle first because she’s a girl and would scream and run away. That’s what Daddy said anyway.”
“Is that right?” Thomas hid his grin.
Mack had spent part of the afternoon baking. When she’d finished, she decided to go and have a walk to the beach, taking Rose’s diary with her. She’d left a message pinned to the back door for Thomas and Lucas, just in case they were back before she was. No need to worry them, unnecessarily.
On the beach, she found a sheltered corner and settled down with the diary.
Chapter 7
March 14, 1947
I put my dancing shoes on…
I was so excited to be seeing Jacob tonight! He was meeting me at the end of the drive to take me dancing and I could hardly contain my excitement.
Not five minutes before I left the house, Mother walked into my bedroom and wanted to know why I had a huge smile on my face. Of course, I brushed her off and told her I was just thinking about something Jayne said the other day. Not sure she actually believed me, though.
As I approached the end of the drive, I couldn’t see any sign of Jacob, which had me worried.
I walked onto the sidewalk and looked in both directions, but there was still no sign of him. I decided it would probably be best to wait back from the road, in case anyone I knew saw me, and started to ask questions . . . or, even worse, ask my parents what I was doing. Ugh!
As I was about to step back, I felt arms go around me and lips on my neck. “Hello, Rose,” he whispered against my neck, which sent shivers straight through me.
I sagged against him and turned my head slightly to meet his lips. “I’ve missed you and been so looking forward to this evening,” I whispered.
“Me, too.” He turned me around so we could embrace properly. “We better go or we’ll miss the bus.”
Jacob held my hand all the way to the stop, all the way through the journey to the dance hall, and only released me when I handed my jacket over to one of t
he cloakroom attendants.
“Would you like a drink first, Rose?”
“No. Just hold me in your arms and dance with me.”
His eyes bore into mine as he pulled me onto the dance floor. It felt so right to be in his arms as Frankie Laine’s, ‘That’s my Desire,’ played—I really loved that song.
We danced and danced for about two hours without even breaking for a drink. Part of me was exhausted, but another part of me felt so alive. Being held in his arms while we danced and feeling his muscles shift under my hands had my body overheated. Every time he caressed down my back, goose bumps followed.
I was in love with Jacob. I’d never been in love before, but I knew I loved him. What I was going to do about it though was another thing. It wouldn’t be too long before my parents found out about us. Then all hell would break loose considering how my father was. I shook the thoughts from my mind; I would cross that bridge when it happened.
By the time we arrived back to town, it was rather late so Jacob walked me back to the house, gave me a quick kiss goodbye, and promised to meet me on Tuesday.
March 18, 1947
The day I lose my heart…
I’d spent the past four days pining for Jacob. He had to work nights, and for some reason I hadn’t asked him what he did. How that happened, I didn’t know. He also hadn’t volunteered it, either.
Tonight I would get to see him! Eventually, it was five minutes before ten as I snuck out of the house through the kitchen. With a flashlight in my hand, I quickly made my way to the beach and Jacob.
As I turned the corner, I could just make out Jacob up ahead. He saw me and started walking toward me. I picked up speed and ended up running to him, throwing my arms around his neck as he put his lips to mine, while he held me tight against his body.