Page 54 of 28 Days: a Romantic Suspense
She was going home to Quinten.
Flat tire.
The side of the road.
The rain lashing down.
The woman who appeared from nowhere...
Saige tossed and turned in bed wanting to remember more, but too afraid to as she slipped back into sleep.
“Saige, honey,” Alex drawled as his gaze raked over her. “You’re going to bring my brother to his knees in that dress.”
Saige smiled and twirled around for Alex. “I hope so.”
Alex groaned and laughed. “I need to witness this.”
“Where is he?”
“He went to the car for some tools.” Alex continued to chuckle as he indicated for Saige to follow him.
Saige hurried down the stairs and caught a glimpse of Quinten on his cell, her heart turned over with love for the man. It would be their last night together before she left for school. Only one semester left and then she’d be back in his arms forever.
It had taken a lot for her to pack up her clothes because her heart wanted to stay home where the man she loved would be, but he wouldn’t let her. He was right that she had to finish her education. It didn’t make her heart hurt any less at the thought of not seeing him daily.
Alex flung the door the rest of the way open and stepped outside, calling out to Quinten.
Saige followed him out and stopped. Quinten turned to his brother and then did a double take when he caught sight of her. His mouth fell open and his hand holding his cell dropped to his side.
Moving closer to Quinten, his mouth snapped closed and she watched as seconds later his tongue slipped out and moistened his lips.
Saige didn’t stop until her arms were around Quinten’s neck, her body pressed up against his harder one, and her lips caressed along his jaw.
“Mmm,” Saige moaned when Quinten gripped her hips, holding her tightly against him.
“How am I supposed to work when you’re dressed like that? All I want to do is peel this dress off you and get lost in your body.” Quinten groaned and tossed his cell into the car, his call obviously forgotten.
He cupped her face between his hands and slowly kissed her. His lips caressed along hers, his tongue traced the seam before his mouth claimed hers.
“I love you,” he whispered, wrapping her up in his arms. “I can’t let you go.”
“I’m yours, Quinten. Even when I’m away at school, I’m yours. Always.” Saige buried her face in his neck and sighed.
“I hear a car,” Alex commented.
Saige snuggled deeper into Quinten’s arms, no longer bothered by who knew about her relationship with him. She loved him and wanted to shout it to the world.
“Christina is due back. She knows about us and I don’t want to hide what I feel for you anymore...that’s if you’re okay with that?”
Saige met Quinten’s delighted gaze. “I’m more than okay with that.” His hand slipped to the nape of her neck as his lips met hers in a brief kiss.
“Oh fuck,” Alex cursed. “It’s not Christina.”
Saige shot up in bed.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she stumbled to the desk in her room for the bottle of water she’d left there. Taking a long swallow, she breathed in deeply in an effort to calm down.
She couldn’t remember anything after Jocelyn had arrived, but she knew that seeing her and Quinten wrapped around each other hadn’t gone down too well. What did she expect though? Jocelyn had still been married to Quinten then, even though the woman probably cheated on him from the start. One thing Saige felt was that Jocelyn wanted to own Quinten and didn’t like him being with anyone else.