Page 14 of 28 Days: a Romantic Suspense
He could practically hear her thinking, see all of the questions running behind her eyes. He needed to cut them off for now. “I have an appointment with Daniel Sterling, Quinten’s defense attorney, tomorrow. You can come and talk to him with me. He’ll probably have a copy of your statement for you to read. That’s if you’re free?” he questioned, almost like it was a dare, taunting her. A way for him to know for sure that she was all in.
She offered a small smile. “That’s who I planned on talking to when I promised my father to leave it all in the past.” She shrugged. “I can’t do that. I have to know what happened.”
* * *
* * *
Quinten lay on the narrow bed and tried not to think about the end, instead he focused on Saige. He knew Alex thought he was crazy for still longing for the girl who stole his heart the summer before everything went to hell…before she betrayed him.
However, his heart still ached every time he thought about her. Their love had been doomed from the minute they had laid eyes on each other. She’d taken his breath away, and every minute they’d spent together had made his heart race with longing. He hadn’t been free to pursue a relationship. At first, he’d tried to ignore the pull that she’d had over him, but then one day he’d found her upset in the boathouse when she’d thought no one else was around. After that day, they’d managed to spend time together every day. They’d only talked, but she’d kept him going, and it had given him something to look forward to.
He’d struggled to keep his hands to himself, but as long as he was married there wasn’t anything else that he could have done...and then, that last night that they’d met before she’d headed back to college, he did what he’d promised not to. He’d made love to her, over and over again.
Saige’s hands on his body, her lips against his, her breasts soft against his chest. It had all been too much for him, for her. They first came together in a frenzied haze of sexual need. The second and subsequent times that night had been slow and long, until they knew they had to part. Then it had been fast and hard.
His now ex-wife had known that he’d fallen for Saige. How could she not when he’d wake in the middle of the night, lying beside her, his head full of the sexual dream he’d had and his mouth full of her name…Saige.
He hated his ex, Jocelyn. She’d been unfaithful to him since the day he’d put a ring on her finger. The bitch had constantly lied and cheated, although he hadn’t known at the time. Two weeks before he’d met Saige, he’d spoken to a lawyer about getting a divorce, except before anything could be done, he’d found himself arrested for murder, and attempted murder. Jocelyn had lied through her teeth about him and their relationship. She’d gained a lot of money from her interviews, and she talked to everyone and anyone who paid the booking fee. The only good thing to come of that was when she’d divorced him. He’d jumped for joy knowing she no longer had a hold over him. Not that it did him any good considering his new living arrangements.
Saige had been his lifeline until it was ripped away. He’d lived on memories of her from the minute he’d been incarcerated. He’d gone crazy not being able to see her. He’d had no idea how she was, or if she’d be all right.
His brother, Alex, told him what he’d discovered, which hadn’t been much. Saige hadn’t been raped, but it still hadn’t calmed the rage he’d felt toward the bastard who’d taken her. He’d done enough damage to her, but knowing that Saige was safe calmed Quinten down. He just wished that Alex hadn’t grown to hate her because he hadn’t been able too. He’d tried once the trial was under way and he’d discovered that she’d identified him from a photograph, much to his confusion. Her father had looked at him with hatred.
His heart still held strong though and refused to be hardened against her. He loved her too much.
When he felt more down than usual, he’d have his doubts, but then he’d remember how she’d been with him.
Nothing about her had been a lie.
So why did she accuse him of being the one?
His eyes stung with tears as her image appeared in his mind.
It was a warm day, not a cloud in the sky, and she’d been walking her father to his car. Saige had turned and met his gaze. The smile she’d given him had filled her eyes, and her whole damn body had practically shimmered.
He remembered it like it happened yesterday.
Alex had laughed and commented, “You’ve both got it as bad as you can, bro.” Quinten had turned to Alex with a grin on his face. It had soon disappeared when he’d spotted Christina Lockwood standing behind his brother. She’d heard every word, and if looks could kill, he’d have died that day.
Tears fell down his face at the overwhelming longing to see Saige, touch her, and confess his love, even after all this time, washed over him.
Just one last time.
That’s all he wanted.
Just to see her once more.
Day 4
* * *
Saige heard Tamsyn clambering around in the kitchen before she left for her shift at the diner. Normally, she would be getting up to head out with her, but not today. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted to go back and chances were she’d be fired for not showing up. She’d already missed two days. Lou wouldn’t be happy, even though Saige had worked for her for a few years without taking any time off sick.