Page 56 of Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod
“Unbeknown to us, Colin had small camera’s placed on neighboring properties to catch the comings and goings at Ivy’s. He had the same security set up outside of Jarrod’s home and yours.”
“Mine! Oh no, Julian.”
“Shush, they didn’t catch anything we wouldn’t have wanted anyone to see.” I smile, reassuring her. “I’d have killed someone if they’d have seen you naked.”
“Okay, if you’re sure, then carry on.”
“The minute Abatangelo had been spotted a team was scrambled and Hunter received the call. He’d scared the life out of me Parker. Hunter lost all color and I thought he was going down, and then I felt sucker punched when he told me what was happening and where. The longest minutes of my life were as we rushed to get to you.”
Parker rises up and cupping my face in her gentle hands, places a soft kiss to my lips. “I love you and I’m so glad that I get to tell you.”
“God, honey.” I tug her against me, holding her so tight that she eventually wiggles. She lifts her eyes to meet my gaze, before she straddles my body.
I hold her gaze before I let my eyes travel down to her chest as I cup her beautiful breasts. They fill my hands and the beaded tips of her nipples poke out between my fingers. My thumbs play with the sharp points, and the tightening around my dick tells me she loves my touch.
“We’re supposed to be talking,” I remind her as she undulates on me.
“Mmm, well…I’m guessing that once I let you out of this bed that you’re going to be going off with Hunter, filling in reports or something. So I’m making sure you remember what’s waiting for you when you come home to me.”
I still at her words, and something snaps inside of me. I tug her down and sealing my mouth with hers, I devour her as I roll us. “I love you,” I whisper before our mouths fuse together and I make love to her in a frenzy of need.
Night came out of nowhere and the feeling of contentment has settled in my belly along with nerves. I hug a cushion to my chest while I try and concentrate on the movie that Gia had put on a while ago. However, my mind is on the man in the kitchen with Hunter and Jarrod. I know they’re going to be heading in to the Marshals office tomorrow.
I can’t wait to be done with this whole thing because I just want to be able to go into the mountains, or head to the beach with Julian for some alone time. I just want to be with him.
I glance at Ivy and watch her drop into the chair with a heavy sigh. She looks tired and pale and very distracted. I’m curious as to what has happened, if anything, between Ivy and Jarrod. No one ever died of curiosity and I guess I’m glad considering nothing is forthcoming from Ivy.
Normally our friend would be the one asking the most questions, but not today. She hasn’t said anything to us about what was going on at her house with Brendan before the shit hit the fan. I’m not even sure why Abatangelo let him run off, and why he didn’t try to keep him as another hostage.
“I can’t believe,” Ivy looks between us, “either of you haven’t asked any questions?” She smirks and looks at Gia, “Especially you.”
Gia shrugs. “I’m curious about my father, but you look a bit shaky so I figured I’d leave it until you started talking. I didn’t want to force anything.”
I smile. “We’re here for you, Ivy…and I’m getting impatient for juicy details... Jarrod?”
Ivy softly smiles, and the next minute Gia winces. “You’re one of my best friends Ivy, but now you’re with my father, I seriously don’t want details. I mean my father does not have sex. Ever!”
I stare at Gia and then a huge grin splits my face before I start laughing. “So funny.” I have tears of laughter leaking down my face. “She’s as young as we are and we can’t keep our hands off our guys… You seriously don’t believe that Ivy’s different.”
“You two are being ridiculous, and if you want to know something, then I’ll tell you that on the way back to the house, Jarrod apologized, kind of.” She shrugs and still doesn’t look too happy. I told him about what happened when those men arrived at my house. He was pissed and said it was my fault.” Tears slowly make their way down her face that she quickly wipes.
“Ivy, it was not your fault.” Gia moves forward on the chair, anger crossing her face. “My father is an idiot.”
I contemplate Jarrod’s reaction to Ivy, after the fact, and I wonder… “Jarrod is a hard Judge, but in his private life he’s loving and will do anything to protect all of us, especially you. I think what happened today, that they got to you so easily, has scared the crap out of him.”
Gia’s thoughtful. “Hmm, I hadn’t thought of that, and you’re right.” She smiles. “Okay, one last thing I will say, I don’t want any details about your sex life with my father.”
Ivy’s eyes widen in surprise. She laughs and smirks. “I haven’t had sex with Jarrod…yet.” Ivy grins, leaning her head against the back of the chair. “But I mean the man rocks his black dress pants and white shirt like no one else,” she says, a dreamy look on her face.
A throat being cleared brings our attention to the men standing behind us in the doorway. I chuckle when I meet the amusement in Julian’s eyes. Jarrod stares at Ivy, his lips twitching, and Hunter’s gaze blazes into Gia.
Chuckling, I ask, “So what’s happening?”
Julian comes and sits on the sofa with me, my legs over his thighs. “Abatangelo isn’t going anywhere for a very long time, if ever.” He glances at Hunter.