Page 52 of Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod
“We’re going to go and get Ivy,” he says, looking sick with worry. “I want you both to grab jackets,” he adds glancing over our appearance. “Parker do you have boots or something you can change into?”
I nod.
“Good, hurry.”
Trusting him, I quickly run up to the bedroom that I’m sharing with Julian and c
hange from my shorts and flip-flops to jeans and biker boots. I grab a jacket and within five minutes I’m back downstairs just in time to meet up with Jarrod and Gia.
“Did the guys agree to us going after Ivy?” I frown because I know Julian didn’t want us going anywhere without them.
Jarrod sighs and with his hand on the doorknob, turns to look at me. “They’d rather go and get her because that would mean you’re both safe here. I can’t do that.” He glances at Gia. “They need to know you’re both safe.” He closes his eyes and admits, “I need to know that she is. I should have done something before now but…it’s complicated.” Once he’s finished explaining, it’s easy to see how saddened he is by his own actions.
Gia has tears in her eyes as she wraps her father up in a hug. It takes him by surprise but he quickly releases the doorknob, returning her embrace.
“I love you, Dad, and I know you have strong feeling for one of my best friends.” She pulls away and holds his gaze. “It’s weird, but I want you happy, and what’s more, you deserve to be happy, and if that ends up being with Ivy then I’m okay with that. I don’t for one minute want to be the one responsible for holding you both back from what you want, okay.” She smiles. “Now let’s go and get her.”
Jarrod clears his throat. “That means a lot, so thank you.”
Minutes later we’re in his SUV heading to where Ivy lives with her parents who tend to be away more than they’re home. She lives close in the same neighborhood as Jarrod, in one of the homes with large gates, keeping everyone out, or someone in.
We used to joke that one of these days she’d be a prisoner in her own home with how obsessive her father is about her safety. Her father is paranoid.
Hearing a curse, I’m pulled from my thoughts and glancing out of the front window see the gates standing wide open and two strange cars parked out front.
The call from Ivy had been a cry for help because she’d been scared. It must have taken a lot for her to admit that, and that she needed help in getting rid of the asshole she’d been dating.
Apparently, the gates had shorted out, which meant her asshole ‘boyfriend’ had free access and now he wouldn’t leave and kept trying for more, getting abusive when she wouldn’t put out. My thoughts on the asshole, Brendan, weren’t for public hearing, and I truly believe that she is only with him because Jarrod had pushed her away. Not that I’d admit that considering how worked up he appears right now.
Gia senses it to because when her father cuts off the ignition, she grabs his arm. “Don’t get pissed with him, okay? We need you with us not in jail for assault.”
“I’m not making any promises because if he’s hurt her, I’ll kill the little bastard.”
This is going to be fun!
While they have a staring match in the front of the car, I climb from the back. Glancing around, I see a curtain in the front office twitch, so I open Jarrod’s door. “We’ve been spotted. I think we should go in now.”
My stomach rolls at the thought of what Brendan might have done to Ivy in the time it took to get here with the arguing about who would come for her. I’d met the asshole once before and he’d seemed a genuinely nice guy, not for Ivy, but he sure as hell didn’t come across like he’d been portrayed over the phone not too long ago.
“Let’s go around the back,” Gia suggests.
I shake myself and follow their lead, which sees Jarrod charging through the backdoor as though there’s a fire.
We come to a stop behind him and watch Ivy cooking at the stove, without turning her back, seconds later we hear a car thundering away.
Jarrod jerks his head. “Wait in the car,” he tells us.
I get the feeling it was an order rather than an option.
A sob from Ivy holds us in place as she slowly turns around. Her eyes are so sad but seemed filled with fear, which makes me wonder what that bastard has done to her before we’d arrived, before she’d called for help.
There are tear tracks on her face as though she’s sobbed her heart out and mine breaks for my friend. I think she’s doing well controlling her tears, until her eyes land on Jarrod, and then they start to fall again.
Before I can blink, Jarrod has her up and in his arms. She wraps her arms around his wide shoulders, buries her face in the crook of his neck and cries.
I’ve never in my life seen Jarrod so close to breaking, but that’s what it looks like as he holds Ivy tightly against him. It’s as though she’s his whole world and nothing else matters. I feel like a voyeur as I watch them.
Clap. Clap. Clap.