Page 44 of Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod
When he seems settled, he turns to me. “I wasn’t telling you this,” he waves his hand between us, “was over before it even gets started…dammit, Parker!” He grabs my face between his large hands, seconds before his lips cover mine. His tongue pushes for
access and then my thoughts get scattered as his taste inflames me…he then pulls away, his breathing harsh while he cups my face. “I’m not going to be in the marines for much longer.” He smiles. “You need to consider yourself mine because I’ve claimed you, Parker.”
He pulls the truck back into traffic and minutes later we’re pulling up the drive of Jarrod’s home, while I take in what he said.
I open my door and find Julian there with a smirk on his face.
“You okay with what I’ve just said?” He leans against the door of the truck, looking casual and confident, but his eyes betray him.
He’s nervous about my answer and isn’t as sure of me as he’d like to be so stepping into his space, I press the palm of my hand against his chest and hover over his lips with mine. “As long as I’m included in your long term plans then I’m happy.”
I brush my lips against his, which he soon controls. A hand holds the back of my head while he inhales me. His mouth is strong and insistent and when I wrap my arms around his shoulders, I slide my fingers through the short strands of hair at the nape of his neck.
It feels like a band of steel is holding me when his arm snakes around my back. I feel every inch of him as the kiss makes me forget everything, I can only focus on the heat and passion…
“I can see you’ve made up then?” Gia’s amused words finally breach the sexual fog that Julian has me in.
Breathing heavily, I slowly pull away from Julian, who doesn’t let me go far, and offer my best friend a ‘cat who got the cream’ smile. “We’ve certainly made up,” I comment, ignoring the blush that I can feel rising up from my neck.
Julian laughs and leaning forward, kisses the top of my head before he grabs my bag from the truck and heads for the front door.
Gia chuckles. “I think you’ve both more than made up, huh?”
“I don’t kiss and tell,” I mumble over my shoulder, following Julian inside.
“You will later when Julian isn’t in hearing distance.” Gia snickers.
“I wouldn’t bank on that,” I counter and smirk when Julian stops and waits for me to catch up.
He curls an arm around my neck, tugging me closer as he whispers, “I’ll put your stuff in our room, and then I’m going to talk to Hunter and Jarrod.” He kisses the top of my head. “Behave yourself with Gia, and make sure you watch what you say in front of Carrie.”
I hold his gaze. “Don’t worry,” I say nodding. Reaching up, I kiss his waiting lips while I snake a hand up his chest.
Julian growls before resting his forehead against mine. “Don’t leave the house.”
With a quick kiss to my lips, I watch the sexy man head upstairs with my bag.
“It’s about damn time.” Gia grins when I face her. “I thought he was going to let the best thing to happen to him walk away.” Pulling me into her father’s office, she adds, “Now all we have to do is work out a way to get Ivy here, and my father thinking that she’s in danger.”
I watch her closely and frown. “Come again? What am I missing?”
Gia rolls her eyes and drops into her father’s chair. “It’s been brought to my attention that our best friend has a big thing for my father.” I notice Gia wince as the words leave her mouth.
“I hate to tell you this but I’ve known that for a long time.”
Gia narrows her eyes. “You’ve known and you never said anything?”
“Seriously, Gia?” I drop into the chair opposite. “You seriously expected me to tell you that she has it bad for your father? Don’t you find it weird?”
“Before I met Hunter then I guess I would have done. I’m still not really there with it all, but having seen how tense my father gets when someone mentions her dating, I can’t ignore the fact that he’s lonely and I think returns Ivy’s feelings.” She sighs. “He’s my father and if our best friend is what he wants and the feeling it mutual on Ivy’s part then I say let’s bring them together.”
I stare at Gia wondering where she’s coming from. “You sure that’s what you want?”
“He’s lonely and sad, Parker. I want him happy. He’s been alone for as long as I can remember, and I want him to have someone who loves him. I’ve been thinking and I really believe that Ivy loves him. Why else would she stay away?”
I clear my throat. “She might be staying away because your father shouted at her to do so,” I add to the conversation.
“What?” Gia frowns, her stare holding me in place.