Page 26 of Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod
My body starts to shake and then big wracking sobs take over. Hunter whispers how much he loves me and other soothing words as he holds me close. It takes time but my sobs slowly ebb and I realize that Hunter now sits on the ground with me curled on his lap, a blanket thrown over us. After rubbing a tissue over my face, I lift my head and meet the red swollen eyes of the man who holds my heart in his hands. I reach up with my cold hands and covering the scruff on his cheeks, bring his lips to mine. Our whisper of a kiss as he inhales me into his lungs is more precious to me than anything else.
“I thought I was never going to see you again,” I admit and watch him swallow back his own anguish.
“I would have been with you, Gia. I wasn’t going to leave you alone.” He crushes me against his chest and when I turn and straddle him, I’m so close that I’m sure he’s trying to drag me inside of him. “We have confirmation that your dad is fine. He hasn’t had any trouble but Julian is on his way to make sure it stays that way.”
Nodding, I stay buried in his neck. “I never want to leave your arms again,” I whisper softly across his skin.
“God, I can’t believe I’m holding you,” Hunter mumbles. “We’re going away, Gia. I refuse to risk your life.”
“You’ll be with me, right? You’re not sending me to some safe house, alone?”
“I said we. No way in hell am I leaving you alone again,” he admits, roughly. “You’ll be sick of me,” he jokes, trying to comfort me.
“No chance, buster.” I sit back on his legs and caress his face with my eyes before my fingers reach out and trace along his lips. They move across his cheekbones and the bump of his nose before I run my fingers along his eyebrows. With my thumbs resting at the side of his eyes, I brush my fingers through his dark hair and holding him steady, I seal my lips to his. Our kiss starts off gentle and loving but soon it becomes heated with longing and relief that we’re both still alive.
A throat being cleared rather loudly behind me helps to clear the lust from my brain. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and bury my face into his neck. One of his hands continues to hold me tightly to him on my back and the other cups the back of my head.
“Gia is in his sights because of me, and her father. I’m not risking him getting his hands on her again.” Hunter nudges me closer. “I’m taking her away and until the bastard is apprehended I don’t want anyone to know where we are.”
The man he’s talking with sighs. “I don’t like the idea of you being out there alone without any chance of back up, Hunter.”
I recognize that voice. “Uncle Colin?” I lift my head and find my uncle behind me, using his walking stick more strongly than usual.
He holds his hand out, helping me up and then I’m wrapped in a warm bear hug. “I’m glad you’re safe, munchkin.”
I smile at his affection for me that he’s used since I was born.
When I glance at Hunter he’s watching me closely, so I wrap an arm around his waist and sigh when his arm puts me tightly against his side.
“You know where I’m taking her.” Hunter holds Colin’s gaze and then when Colin seems to understand the silent message, Hunter adds, “We’re leaving now and will buy anything we need on the way.”
“You have cash?”
“Enough,” Hunter replies. “How did you know about Gia?”
“Abatangelo called me directly to let me know—taunt me because he knows of my connection to Gia. I knew I had to leave you out of the initial approach. I couldn’t risk it as I’m sure you’re well aware of by now.”
Hunter nods as his body quivers. I move in front of him and wrap myself around his body for a tight albeit brief hug before he has us on the move.
“Stay against me, honey.” His words tell me that he’s using himself as a human shield to protect me. I also know that it’s pointless arguing with him. I’ve tried before and my husband can be stubborn when it comes to my safety.
Once we’re in another vehicle and leaving the city, I point out, “Your life is worth the same to me as mine is to you.” He grunts in response, so I add, “I thought you should know as you don’t seem to.”
He glances at me before he sighs and his hands clench around the wheel. “Right now, I’m trying to hold it together. That asshole had you and tried to kill you. I want to rip his heart out with my bare hands for coming after the woman I can’t live without… So, if I’m being overbearing, I’m sorry. I love you and want nothing more than to make love to you before I hold you in my arms all night long. Before I do that I need to be as far away from the city as possible…and for the record, I know you think our lives are worth the same.” He smiles softly once his rant is over.
I fold my arms against my chest and the next thing I know I’m softly crying, and Hunter’s cursing.
He tugs me into his side and stays quiet while I continue with the water works. I’m not usually a crier, but I’m not usually promised with never seeing my husband again either. When the tears finally stop, I ask, “Why do you think they did what they did tonight? I mean my father hasn’t had any trouble and all the horrid man d
id was make me follow him and rig the car on a timer to blow.”
“God, don’t remind me.”
“I’m sorry. I’m just trying to understand what’s really going on here, because other than making us run, what’s been accomplished by what happened earlier?”
“You have a point and I’ll think more on it once we’re at the cabin.”
I frown. “What cabin?”