Page 21 of Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod
“Stop acting like a girl and go keep an eye on Jarrod while I help Gia change.”
“Change?” Julian smirks. “Is that what it’s called now?” He shakes his head as he follows Jarrod into his office.
“Ass!” I say under my breath causing a chuckle to burst out of Gia.
I’ve never felt as safe as I do right now, wrapped up in Hunter’s arms. My only hope is that he doesn’t regret having shown his feelings for me in front of my father. Hunter doesn’t look like the type of guy to let that bother him. But who knows.
I’m not really sure what his feelings are, but the possessiveness he’s shown since he’d arrived at the hospital and as he carried me up to my room has spoken volumes to me.
All I can hope is that Hunter isn’t going to run the minute this is over.
“Will these do?” Hunter interrupts my thoughts, as he holds up a pair of yoga pants with my favorite pink, long sleeved T-shirt in a soft knit.
“Yeah,” I mumble in reply, fighting back tears.
Hunter tosses the clothes on the bed to the side of me and removes his own jacket, which he throws onto a chair. Placing his hand on my knees, he spreads them slightly and kneels between so he can wrap his arms around my waist. He pulls me closer to him with his ear pressed against my heart.
Sighing, Hunter admits, “Today really scared the shit outta me.”
He pulls me fully against him. Standing with me in his arms, he sits on the bed and keeps me close. “Even on a really bad day with the Marshals office, I don’t ever remember being so scared. The thought of you injured. The thought of what could have happened if they’d taken you.”
Hearing him speak tugs at my heart strings so I slide my hands into Hunter’s hair and massage his scalp. “Look at me.” He looks up and meets my watery gaze. “I’m here with you. I?
?m fine. Yes, I know I have a graze from a bullet, but I’m fine. I’m not in the hospital.”
Hunter lets out a shaky breath as he drops his head onto my chest while I continue to massage him.
“Will you make love to me?”
Hunter stills at my question.
“I think you need to rest.”
Pushing Hunter away from me, I get up and move to stand at my bedroom window. “You need to leave,” I tell him, trying to keep my voice even as I move the curtain to one side and pretend to look out because I’m afraid to look at him. Afraid I’ll back down.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he breathes softly into my ear, his hands resting lightly on my hips, from behind. I jerk at how close he is because I hadn’t heard him move.
“This—” he rubs his erection against my bottom “—is for you. This is what you do to me every time I touch you. I know I screwed up before because I was afraid of getting too close to you, but I was fooling myself because I’m already too close. You’re under my skin, Gia.” He kisses my shoulder. “And I don’t mind that. Today more than anything made me realize what an idiot I’ve been.” He laughs. “I mean, how many guys do you know who would have slept in the bed of a woman they desired, night after night, without touching them?”
I listen to everything Hunter says and allow a large grin to spread across my face. I know how he can make it up to me.
“Yeah, you are an idiot.” I turn to face him and watch as his features tighten when I brush against his hardened length. “And I know just how you can make it up to me.”
Raising an eyebrow in question, Hunter pulls me against him and begins to nuzzle my neck. With my pussy wet, begging for his attention, I moan and arch backwards. Hunter’s cock rests against me as I strain toward him.
“I have an even better idea,” he whispers.
Hunter’s better idea involves the black beast that is called a Harley and nature.
I find myself in the middle of nowhere with forest surrounding us as I watch Hunter start to remove his clothes. All I can do is stare, transfixed as tattooed skin, tight muscle and his sexy butt are revealed. He keeps his back to me and seems to be…I don’t know…preparing himself.
I ask, “Hunter, are you okay?”
Unsure as to whether or not he’s going to answer me, I start to climb from his bike.