Page 10 of Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod
What the fuck is she doing in there? Whatever it is I want in on it.
That is not going to happen.
Inhaling I press my cock against my stomach and pull the waistband down to hold it in place because I sure as hell don’t want Gia getting an eye full. I quickly fold my clothes and check that my aching cock is hidden beneath my top before exiting. But I know I’ll lose it if she moans again so I bang on the door. “Gia. You nearly done?”
The shower switches off. “Yeah. Give me a minute.”
Sighing in relief, I make my way back to Gia’s locker to store my clothes.
On the shelf she’d retrieved the extra scrubs from, I spot a couple of boxes full of plastic shoes, which I presume I have to wear as well. Pointless having a shower before going on the ward and wearing the same shoes you came in with.
As I slip my feet into a pair, Gia comes out of the shower with a rosy blush dusted over her cheekbones. She really does take my breath away and every time she looks at me in that unguarded way she has about her, any reason I have for not being with her flies right out of my head.
“Okay, I’m about ready,” Gia announces fastening up her locker. “I’m usually here until lunch, then I’ll go eat and,” she pauses and nibbles her lip. The lip I want to be nibbling, “onto my afternoon volunteer job. And before you ask it’s at Rosalind Retirement Village.”
I really don’t know what to say to her. The spoiled princess that I was expecting has turned out to be anything but that. Part of me feels bad for judging her when I’d known so little about her. I should have known better, not just because of my job, but because I haven’t gotten to thirty-five without making a few bad calls.
“You seem shell shocked.”
“You’re full of surprises. Anything else I should know about.”
Gia opens the door to exit the locker room and looks at me over her shoulder, winks and replies, “Hmm. I don’t like wearing panties—much prefer thongs. I can’t go without a bra because my breasts are too big.” I gulp and stare down at her wondering if she’s saying one thing and I’m hearing something else when she continues, “I can’t stand anchovies and I absolutely love pancakes with syrup. And I love my father even though he has a habit of interfering in my life all the time. I think that about covers it.”
Watching her walk through the doorway, I shake my head. I need a cold fucking shower and wish she’d stayed the spoiled princess so I’d be able to control the lust running through my body.
Gia sticks her head back into the locker room. “You coming?” she questions before disappearing again.
“I will be,” I mutter.
With a heavy sigh, knowing I’m in for a day full of temptation, I follow her out into the corridor wondering where the fuck my balls have gone.
Three hours later and I can see the strain that working on the ward with sick children causes Gia. I can see how much each and every child means to her. Not one child is left feeling that she preferred one of the others more. She made sure equal time was spent with each. She read. She sang. She colored. She painted. She even held one child in her arms as they danced around the room to a Brittany Spears song or at least that’s what they said the song was. And as big and hard assed as I like to think I am I’d felt a lump in my chest watching.
I glance up at the clock and realize that lunch is quickly approaching—I’d lost track of the time, which is surprising. From the way Gia has started to wind down her activities with the children, it’s clear that she hasn’t. Standing up, she begins to gather up the art supplies.
If she hadn’t already been under my skin, she would be now. I’ve never met anyone like her and every time I think about my initial assumption, a slice of guilt hits me. She has certainly opened my eyes.
“Hey,” she speaks softly to me with her hand on my chest. “I’m nearly finished.”
She looks exhausted.
For the first time in a long time, I want to comfort someone. I reach up with my hand and move a stray piece of hair behind Gia’s ear. Following it with a caress along her jaw and back to her ear, I start to massage her neck.
She lets her head fall forward on to my chest and moans in pleasure. My dick springs back to life with the sound, which causes my scrubs to tent.
There is no way she can miss my reaction considering her eyes are facing downwards, and by the stillness I feel in her, she’s noticed.
All the air leaves my lungs when she lifts her head, steps into my space and brings our hips together. Gia wraps her arms around my waist while she moves back and forth against my throbbing cock. This is so inappropriate. I move both my arms to push her away, but find them wrapping around her as I feel the dampness through my top.
Is she crying?
My arms tighten. At least my cock has shrunk with her tears.
“Gia. What the hell? You have me worried.”
She sniffles into my top.
“I’m okay.”