Page 6 of Under the Mistletoe
Last night had been the most amazing night of my life. I never expected anything to happen between us both. Oh I hoped, who wouldn’t, but wow. All I want to do is spend the rest of my time with Gabe, locked up in his cabin. Like that’s going to happen, get real Bree. What the hell are we going to do now? Hopefully we’ll be able to talk today on our trip to the farm.
Turning the corner into the kitchen, I zoom straight into Gabe, who’s sat at the table frowning into his cup of coffee. Lifting his head he catches sight of me, the frown disappears as his eyes light up and he smiles. “Morning, Bree.”
“Morning, Gabe. Are you ready to leave once I’ve had something to eat?” I’m really excited and looking forward to today and spending time with him. I walk over to my Mom giving her a hug “Morning, Mom.”
“Morning, this is Zack, he’s the new Doctor.” She says, pushing me in his direction. Hell. My mother has a thing about wanting me married so I can be taken care of. Out of all my siblings I’m the most sensible.
I watch Gabe from the corner of my eye and see him go all tense. Is he jealous? I hope he is, and then he’ll know how I felt when he had Tracy here last night. Then again, I really don’t want him to feel like that, because it’s a horrid feeling.
I hold my hand out, “Hi Zack, nice to meet you.” Shaking his hand, he gives me a gorgeous smile. If it wasn’t for Gabe, I would probably be a puddle at his feet.
“Bree, it’s nice to meet you too.” Zack says, lingering over the handshake before letting me go.
I turn slightly and realize Gabe really is getting pissed, so I walk over and pull the chair out next to him. Just about to sit down, my Mom puts my breakfast in front of the seat next to Zack. Oh I don’t think so.
With a quick glance, I take the seat next to Gabe, probably closer than I should; I lean over the table and pull my breakfast towards me watching my Mom frown.
“Did I hear you say something about going out with Gabe?” Mom asks.
“Yeah, we’re going to the Christmas tree farm. Hopefully, I can talk Gabe into stopping for lunch.”
Laughing, “Consider me talked into it.”
I turn and smile at Gabe, “Yes.” Going to put a spoon of breakfast into my mouth, I see Zack looking between the two of us.
“I was hoping you might want to go into town with Zack for lunch Bree. He hasn’t been in town long. I told him, you would show him around.”
Feeling Gabe tense up again, I slip my hand under the table and take hold of his, lacing our fingers together. I squeeze his hand to offer reassurance.
“I’m sorry Zack, but my Mom shouldn’t have said that without asking me first.” I say looking at my Mom. “I’ve already made arrangements to go with Gabe today.”
I push my plate away, having lost my appetite. All I want to do is lean into Gabe and have his arms around me. As it is, we’re still holding hands under the kitchen table, with Gabe rubbing his thumb up and down mine.
Mom not giving up, “Why can’t you go with Gabe tomorrow? He isn’t going anywhere.”
“There isn’t a reason why, other than I made the arrangement with Gabe and I’ve been really looking forward to it.”
I turn back to Zack to try and explain, “I’m sorry Zack, but I’m not home that often and I really want to spend today with Gabe.”
Getting up from his chair, “It’s okay, I understand.” Looking at Zack, I have the feeling he really does.
“It’s been nice meeting you both.” Zack says as he’s on his way out, followed by Mom, probably to apologies for her unwilling daughter.
While Mom is outside talking to Zack, I turn to Gabe, “He knows.”
He brings our hands up and kisses my knuckles then releases my hand just as my Mom comes back into the kitchen.
“Well really, you didn’t have to be so rude.”
“Mom, you shouldn’t have said I’d go out with him without asking me first.”
She sits down opposite us, “He’s a really nice guy. I can’t believe you’d refuse him to go out with your brother.”
Sighing, “Gabe isn’t my brother Mom. I’m not listening to this anymore.” Why can’t everything be simple? All I want is to spend the rest of my life with the man sat beside me.
Standing up from the table, I grab my coat, hat and gloves from the hooks by the door, “Come on Gabe lets go.”
Walking outside in front of Gabe to the barn where his truck is parked, all I can think about is our situation; I just want to scream and run away with him.