Page 27 of Under the Mistletoe
All the way to the clinic, I can’t think about anything apart from the woman who’s sat cuddled into my side. She hasn’t spoken, she’s just held onto me since throwing herself into me a short while ago.
Taking the same steps that we all took three days ago, we enter the clinic to find Zack just coming out of his office. “Hey. I was just coming out to wait for you. Come on inside.”
We walk into his office and take seats on the sofa. I glance at Bree; she’s white as a sheet and probably feeling just as sick as I feel.
Picking up a brown envelop from his desk Zack starts to open it, taking out the documents that are probably going to change my life. “I’m going to do this fast okay. Is anyone bothered who goes first?”
“Just tell us Zack, please.” Bree asks, holding my hand so tight it’s bordering on painful.
Zack spends a minute looking at the reports. Then looking up, “Bree, I’m not sure how you’ll take this, but David and Martha are both your biological parents.”
Wanting to scream, I turn to look at her to watch her tears roll down her face. Not able to bare this, I pull her into my arms and look up at Zack with tears in my eyes.
Zack clears his voice and carries on, “Bree, you need to listen to the next part.” Lifting her head she wipes her eyes and looks at Zack. “Gabe, neither David nor Martha are your biological parents.” I’m so relieved, I burst out laughing.
“Are you serious?”
“Yes.” Zack just says that one word and my whole world seems to right it’s self. I grab hold of Bree and put my mouth to hers for one hell of a kiss.
“Oh my god. Zack please tell me there’s no mistake.” Bree asks.
“There’s no mistake Bree. You and Gabe aren’t related.”
I just pull her into my arms and hold her tight. Looking over her shoulder, I see David and Martha hugging with tears on their face.
After a few minutes we move apart and walk over to her parents.
“I’m not going to say I’m glad you’re not my son, because I’ve always consider you a son and a piece of paper isn’t going to change that; but saying all that I’m just glad that you and Bree are going to get your happily ever after.”
“Thanks Dad. I love you. I love you too Mom.”
“We love you too honey and you Gabe.”
Chapter 21
I don’t think I’ve ever felt relief like I did a short while ago. Within minutes of my parents telling them they love us, Gabe dragged me out of Zack’s office, down the hall into a broom closet of all things. As soon as the door shut, he slammed his mouth on to mine and basically ravished my mouth with his tongue.
It didn’t take long for me to wrap myself around him and to have him nail me to the door. Literally! Walking back out we were greeted by Zack leaning against the wall. I could have died of embarrassment when I realized he must have been stood there, practically the whole time we’d had sex in his closet. In fact the grin on Zack’s face looked liked he’d just been laid!
Gabe apologized and dragged me out of there to meet up with my parents in the truck. They drove us home and back inside; Mom put a pot of coffee on.
Retreating into the lounge with our coffee, I sit on the recliner in Gabe’s lap, he then pulls me close while we wait for either my Mom or Dad to start with some sort of explanation.
No one seems willing to start this conversion, “Mom, please tell us what happened back then?”
She puts her cup down and looks to my Dad first, “When Travis was a baby your father wanted me to stop working. I didn’t want to because I loved my job and knew I could juggle motherhood with a job. Your grandmother looked after Travis while I was at work and things seemed to be going along fine. Then everything started to go downhill. Your father didn’t like having his meal on the table over an hour later than normal, sometimes even later. The housework went to pots during the week, but I managed to catch up at the weekend.”
“I was basically an idiot.” Dad commented.
“After about six months, I’d had enough of your Dad constantly on my back about meals, housekeeping and Travis. So one day when he was in town on a rare day off for me, I packed my car and Travis; we moved into my parents place. We were apart for a couple of years. Just before we got back together and decided to try again, I met someone else and had a brief affair with him. But he wasn’t your father. I never once believed you were anyone else’s child, but your fathers. With my confession, I was reaching at straws really, because of how you feel about Gabe.”
Climbing off Gabe, I go over to my Mom and give her a hug and try to mop some of her tears up.
“Bree, I love your mother. Even when we were apart, I loved her. That’s why we never worked with anyone else.
“Oh Dad, at least you ended up together again, that’s all that matters now.” I say giving him a hug as well.