Page 70 of Stryker
“You going to share?”
“Not yet.” I shook my head. “Let me go and find Patrick. I want to talk to him before tomorrow. See if there’s some way of ending this whole mess that doesn’t include getting married.”
“Don’t hold your breath, Evie. His father’s an asshole.”
“I know.”
Chapter 21
EXHAUSTED OF PLAYING A part, he tugged his tie free from around his neck and locked the bedroom door.
No interruptions.
He moved slowly to his lover who already laid naked on the large bed, waiting for him to slip his cock inside.
The buttons slowly slipped free from his dress shirt as he teased his lover with the slow removal of the garment.
“Please, hurry. It’s been too long,” his lover moaned, hands fisted in the bedding.
“It has been too long, but soon we won’t have to hide. Soon I’ll be free to be with you.” He inhaled as he shucked the shirt and started on his pants. “I’m doing this for us, not just me. I hope you know that.”
His lover nodded and then gasped when he knelt on the bed, and started to caress along legs that he craved to have wrapped around his waist.
“I don’t have any reason to believe that tomorrow won’t go as planned. Just promise me,” he groaned, licking between his lover’s legs,” that you’ll stay close to me.” He gave another swipe with his tongue and pushing his lovers legs open wide, he took hold of his weeping shaft, impaling his lover.
He stilled, fighting for breath. “I will only be able to get through tomorrow if you’re close…promise me.”
“I promise…please make love to me.”
With legs quivering, his balls as hard as his fucking cock, he slowly slipped free before he touched home base again.
As their lips sealed together he knew he’d do anything to protect his lover…
Chapter 22 ~ Stryker
“WE’RE LANDING IN THIRTY minutes so we need to finish our talk,” Carter sat across the table and placed a folder in front of me. He sat forward, his arms on the table.
“I thought you’d already told me everything?” I frowned.
“I left out the part about your father helping Evie and Millie.”
“What the fuck.” I pushed away from the table and tried to pace in the small confines of the private jet, but failed. I couldn’t even stand up straight so I dropped back down.
“You finished?” Carter asked, amused.
My father.
I dropped my head and wanted to ignore Carter, but he was too big to be ignored.
“He loves you, Jake. He never stopped.”
“No.” I shook my head and tried not to listen but he wouldn’t stop.
“Yes. I’ve seen his house. Been inside. One room is full of pictures of you, and him. He has a picture of you and him enlarged on the kitchen wall. You’re a child so no one would recognize you if they didn’t know your connection to him.”
“Then why? If everything you’re saying is the truth, why did he do it? Why’d he sell me? I can’t accept anything else. All this time I’ve had my anger that’s been fueled by his betrayal. What will I have if it’s all been a lie?”
You couldn’t find the anger when you saw him the other night.