Page 5 of Stryker
The lot of them.
Even hours later in the locker room at the arena, I felt my anger simmering.
The hum of the fans that filled the arena reached me, and the noise helped my concentration. It was a sound so familiar and reassuring that I’d started to crave it a few years ago. It made me feel like I could accomplish anything with my fans…that crowd…behind me.
Coach had already taped my hands and held my gloves in his. I wouldn’t put my gloves on until the last minute before entering the ring.
Ring, cage, it didn’t matter to me which I fought in because I was a cocky sonofabitch and always won.
Coach moved into my line of sight, which was his way of saying, “Let’s go.”
I stood and let Coach fasten the robe around me. I hated the feel of the silk against my skin, but the size of it swallowed me in fabric. It kept my eyes focused on the ground as I moved down the tunnel, past the fans, until I was at my corner.
Coach shoved my gloves on and held my gaze. “You’ve got this, Stryker. You win and show those assholes.”
I knew I had this, just like I’d known at every fight. I also knew that I’d win regardless of what they wanted.
Climbing into the ring, I shoved the hood free and ignored my opponent. They hated to be ignored, which made the fight more difficult. I’d still win, but I’d feel like I’d won fairly, instead of being pissed around by an opponent who was scared shitless of me.
Coach grabbed the robe from around me as I took in all the shouting and frenzy that sur
rounded these fights.
I slowly started to turn and stared out at the crowd, the fans…and felt like my stomach had dropped to my toes.
All I saw were a pair of emerald colored eyes alight with passion. Heat pulsed in them and I found myself taking a step toward her before I caught myself…my hands itched to keep moving toward those eyes but I fought the urge.
Her gaze burned into me and I felt that craving again…for something I couldn’t have and the bitterness was like oil on the flame of my anger.
I’d win tonight.
Not for me.
Not for them.
But for the beauty with the emerald eyes.
I SAT WITH A bottle of warm water in my hand, surrounded with people who I was supposed to call friends. I didn’t know them. Well, not really. My fiancé, Patrick, knew them, but me, not so much. I’d tried so hard to join in with their conversation, but they were really all a group that didn’t want me included. Patrick laughed when I told him how I felt and commented that they didn’t know how to hang with a senator’s daughter. I’d found that damn weird and hadn’t bothered again. My father might hob nob with the president, but I didn’t.
Since we’d arrived for the fight, Patrick had ignored me. I was stuck with a total stranger on one side, and one of his friends on the other. Patrick was at the end of the row, his head leaning toward another guy, Oliver, who he was deep in conversation with.
I knew that he ignored me because I’d badgered him about getting me a ticket for the fight when he’d rather keep me away. I’d pointed out that I needed to do research for the book I planned on writing. He’d laughed until he realized I was serious. That hadn’t gone down too well with me.
I should have gotten myself a ticket and gotten my best friend, Millie to tag along with me, but I knew Patrick went to all the fights so he’d have seen me in the crowd. It would have been easy for him to spot me as my red hair stuck out like a sore thumb.
So, anyway, here I was, effectively surrounded by strangers, waiting for two guys to come out and kick the hell out of each other…all for research.
The crowd hummed with a restless energy that was hard to ignore. I felt it pulsing inside of me and then the hum stopped as the lights went out and a hush fell over the arena.
My belly quivered with nervous energy.
A booming voice crackled over the sound system as they announced the first fighter, Damien “Rockman” Kelly. The crowd grew rabid as they booed their displeasure.
My heart started to pound and my ears buzzed as blood rushed around my head. I wasn’t sure if it was through fear or excitement as an air of danger spread throughout the place.
And then, I was sure my heart stopped altogether as “Stryker” appeared following his announcement.