Page 39 of Stryker
Even as I stared at her, my eyes moving briefly to greet her best friend, my dick had stayed hard as a rock. I blushed slightly at the fact that it was evident for all to see.
Her friend looked between Evie and me, her eyes alight with mischief, but before she could do or say anything, Evie led me to a bedroom. Closing the door, she sat on the bed, her back against the headboard before giving me a shy smile and patting the space beside her.
I sure as hell didn’t need telling twice.
Especially when she snuggled against my chest, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. My fingers tangled in her beautiful hair as a sigh of contentment escaped my mouth.
I kissed her forehead. “What I’m going to tell you, I’m trusting you to keep to yourself.”
“You can trust me, Stryker.” She kissed my chest and my heart swelled with longing.
“My real name is…Jake Rivers and I’m twenty-four years old. I want you to know that. I’ve trained to fight since the night my life was taken from me when I was fourteen. It’s all I know how to do. How to live.” My voice broke, but I continued because it was important that she knew the real me, “I’m not educated, Evie. I’m no good for y—”
“Don’t say that.” She covered my mouth with her small fingers. “Don’t ever put yourself down. You’re perfect for me. We fit together just fine, and,” she straddled my waist; I nearly swallowed my tongue as her pussy rubbed against my cock, “I’m sure we’ll fit together when we venture into other positions.” She smirked.
I closed my eyes but that made it worse. All I could see and feel was Evie against me. All I could imagine was making love to her in the bed we currently laid on. She’d be my first, my last…my only, woman.
My hands slid up her thighs and kept her against me. I ignored the pain of being hard and swollen, trapped behind my zipper because having her so close made my heart lighter.
“Stryker,” she whispered, her breath tickled along my lips.
Opening my eyes, my whole body tensed with the heat I saw in hers. My breath stuck in my lungs and shards of pleasure teased beneath my skin, making me twitch and tingle…lengthen. It wouldn’t be long before I spilled my release.
She reached up and, gripping my shoulders, wiggled on my lap as she moaned.
“Fuck,” I hissed, pushing her away from my dick. “I need distracting.”
Evie smirked. “I know just how to distract you.”
“Although I’m certainly up for that kind of distraction, we still need to talk.”
“I know.” She wiggled against my groin and got comfortable. “That’s better. I want to be close to you.” Her arms went around my shoulders and her head rested against my neck.
My body still ached, but it was more manageable as I continued, “My life isn’t easy, Evie. It’s difficult than most. I’m under…contract…” I winced at the lie but I couldn’t tell her the truth or I was sure she would involve herself regardless. “Which means that I have to do what they say. They hold me tight to their chest and, right now, there isn’t anything I can do about it except warn you to get away from Patrick. I don’t trust him with you, and if word should get out about us spending time together, I’d hate to think of what he’d do.”
“He’d go crazy, Stryker.” She kissed my neck. “I need to continue to think of you as Stryker so that I don’t slip up, but you’ve no idea how much I want to call you by your real name.”
“I look forward to the day when you can.”
I arched up and moved us down the bed, rolling Evie from her straddled position. I kept her tucked into my side, and caressed her thigh when she straddled it over my hip. “I’ve never laid in bed with a woman before.”
Her eyes widened and met mine. “Never?”
“So, I’m the first.”
“The first with everything.”
I gently tugged her head to my chest and rubbed soothing circles on her back. It wasn’t long before she slept wrapped in my arms. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to walk away from her. To do so would leave her vulnerable, but if I didn’t, I knew the men wouldn’t just let me leave and she’d then be caught in the crossfire.
WAKING, I REALIZED THAT I’d slept on Stryker. Used him as a bed and my smile couldn’t get any wider. I loved being so close to him, and the fact that he’d held me without pushing for more said a lot to me.
His confession of the night before raised questions that I didn’t know how to ask. I mean, what exactly did he mean ‘the first with everything’? Surely such a strong, handsome man would have some experience. Wouldn’t he? Trying to chase the thoughts away, I glanced toward the curtains, but couldn’t see anything with the light being off.
How long had we slept?