Page 25 of Stryker
“Dammit Evie,” he hissed, fighting back his anger. “He’s a single guy and doesn’t fuck the whores that are given to him after he’s won a fight…happy now?” He glared and went back to his food before he shoved it away. “Too damn cold now.”
I tried not to let the tears fall. He’d been harsh but I shouldn’t have expected much else from him. This had become a common thing since we’d gotten engaged. I stopped myself from pointing out that if he’d eaten instead of messing on his cell then it wouldn’t have been. We might have even been out of the restaurant as well.
“Why are you so angry?” I asked carefully. “I was curious and since you often ask me questions about my family that I answer.” I waved my hand to end the sentence.
“That’s true. Stryker isn’t family though.” He sighed and took my hand again. “I’m sorry, okay? It’s just been a bad day. The best thing for you is to concentrate on the research for your book.” He kissed my fingers, his hold tightening. “I’m just concerned about you. Stryker isn’t someone to be messed with and with a fight coming up, he’s going to start sparring with Carter. Please tell Millie to stay away from them.”
A slither of fear ran down my back. He may have said that with a loving caress to my hand, and a smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with anger and it was clearly a warning.
“I hear you.” I tugged my hand free and prayed his father would call and ask him to do something that involved leaving me here.
The thought of going back to my apartment for anything else turned my stomach. I’d started to dread it but was more resigned than any time before. Now though, the only thing I wanted from him was access to the gym…and my freedom, which I would get when I called off this engagement.
At the end of the week, I’d break things off with him and call my parents. I winced at the thought of talking to my mom about the wedding and cancelling everything. It would be a headache, one which I was going to have to deal with to save my mom the hassle. After all, it was my fault that I’d let the engagement go this far. Last minute as well.
“You’re sulking like a five year old now, Evie. A fighting gym is for fighters whether they’re male or female. I know my father’s gym only caters to the male fighters because he discovered having women around too distracting for the men. But it isn’t a place that I want you, or your little friend around.”
Arrogant asshole!
“Okay,” I mumbled as his cell started to ring.
I pretended to ignore his call as I stirred the ice in my glass of water but I listened to him the entire time…and noticed the tightness of his lips as he listed to the caller.
It was all I could do to keep the happiness from my face as he waved the server down for the bill. He stood, urging me to do the same while still in the middle of listening to his call.
Reaching for my purse, I realized that he’d want to drop me off at my apartment, even though it was only a few blocks away. So not wanting that to happen, I made my escape.
“You go. I’ll get a cab right outside the door after I’ve used the restroom.” I kissed him on the cheek and quickly dashed into the ladies’ room.
I could breathe.
He wouldn’t follow me in here. Would he?
Holding my breath, I dashed into a stall and made sure it was locked before I dropped to the toilet. No one looking underneath would know that I was just sitting on it. Well, they might, as I didn’t have my panties down, but heck.
After a few minutes of silence, I started to chuckle with how ridiculous I was being. Totally. Patrick had better things to do than search stalls in the restroom for me.
Shaking my head, I laughed as the automatic flush triggered and made me jump slightly. I moved out of the stall and over to the vanity table with a huge mirror in front. I searched out my lipstick and quickly applied the cherry red color, smacking my lips together. It was one of my favorites and, of course, Patrick didn’t like it, which was probably why I’d worn a muted lip-gloss when I met him for dinner. Now that dinner was done, my lip-gloss was off, and my favorite color was on my lips…to hell with Patrick.
Stryker would like it.
Popping the lid back on the tube, I slipped it back into my purse and headed outside.
I knew where I was going and it wasn’t home.
Chapter 6 ~ Stryker
AS SOON AS I arrived, Julio cleared my usual table, much to the grumble of the group of guys who occupied it. All it took had been one look at me and they moved. I hadn’t even done anything but stand next to Julio. Unfortunately, there was no disguising my size and I looked threatening, if I wanted to that was.
An hour later, the crowd had thinned, which suited me just fine. I liked to be able to see who’d entered on the off chance I’d been found. My luck was still with me so far in that respect, but not in the other—no Evie.
Even though I wanted to run tonight at the thought of Patrick being with her, I still came here…hoping, even though I knew it was hopeless. She obviously loved the prick and he had so much more to offer than I ever would so this infatuation was stupid. It needed to stop before I made a fool of myself, or before anyone discovered she was constantly in my thoughts and could be used against me.
Hearing a throat being cleared, I watched Julio as he took the seat beside me. “Can I ask you something?” His voice had a huskiness to it after many years of smoking, or so he’d once told me.
I nodded.