Page 23 of Stryker
Yeah, fear me fucker!
“Calm down,” he said calmly, before he offered a nervous laugh.
I smirked because I’d rattled him.
“I’ll be calm once you leave.”
He sat down opposite and glared. Obviously, courage and anger had replaced the fear that I’d seen. “My spies at the gym told me you haven’t spoken to my fiancée or her friend. That’s good. Very good. Let’s keep it that way.”
Leaning forward, I smiled, throwing him off balance. I rested my arms on my thighs as my hands hung loosely between my legs while I breathed deeply.
What would he do if he knew I hid my stiff cock because thoughts of Evie filled my mind? That I’d jerked off hard all over my stomach and chest with thoughts of her sucking me off. What would he do if he knew that I wondered how it would feel to sink inside her softness, to have her wetness surrounding my shaft that ached so badly for her touch? That she was the only woman I wanted, that my heart ached because I knew I could never have her. Even if my situation wasn’t what it was, she was still too good for me.
“Evie is only going to be there one more day if I have my way…I’ve also heard that her little friend, Millie, has something going on with Carter. I want you to make sure he’s too occupied tomorrow to even say hello to them.” Patrick’s nostrils flared in annoyance and I felt the same as I glared back at him.
I wasn’t completely annoyed but the panic at the thought of not seeing her again made me want to hit something and he was close. Very close.
Don’t do it…as much as you want to, don’t…
Deep down I knew it would be safer for her to stay away from me. I wouldn’t hurt her. All I wanted to do was cherish her. I just didn’t trust the fuckers to not use her to remind me of who had the upper hand.
Even though I’d wondered if she knew what Patrick was involved in, and about me, deep down in my heart and gut, I knew she had no clue. She looked too sweet to know about anything that was going on. The fact that Patrick was happy to keep her away from the gym proved that she knew nothing and I should be happy that she wasn’t going to be there too.
You still have the bar.
The bar!
I’d forgotten about that, in fact, I’d forgotten that Patrick had told me about the fight. I still had no idea who my opponent was.
“Tell me who my opponent is, and I’ll keep Carter busy tomorrow.”
“You’re trying to bargain with me?” Patrick laughed. “Incredible.” He shook his head.
“So I’m guessing that you’re either planning on putting money on him, or nothing at all on anyone.” I raised a brow and waited.
It didn’t take long for the look on his face to switch from amusement to pissed. He was angry. About damn time.
“You’re fighting Lethal Black.” His sneer said it all. He hated my fucking guts and wanted to see me bleed.
I held my shock and surprise back, and let him see the anger inside of me. I wondered if they really did want me dead. It would be so much easier for them to have someone else kill me, and what a better way than to do it in the cage. I wouldn’t go down without causing some damage of my own, but Lethal Black was taller and more muscular than me. I knew my ability and if I’d been fighting in a professional fight, I wouldn’t have worried, cage or ring. I knew the rules and how far the fighters could go. But there are no rules in the illegal underground.
“And, you’re going to win a small fortune for us,” Patrick continued. “Coach has been told what you need to concentrate on and he knows the Lethal Black’s weaknesses. Listen to him.” Patrick stood, brushing imaginary wrinkles from his pants.
He moved to the mirror beside the door and straightened his tie. His short blond hair was neatly styled.
When he turned, he grinned. “Think I’ll do for my hot date with Evie. Dinner and sex. What more can a guy ask for?”
My gut clenched as my head screamed, No, no, no; she’s mine!
He sneered before he turned and slid through the doorway like the snake he was. Part of me wanted to chase him down and pummel him into the ground.
Instead, I grabbed the coffee table and threw it straight through the balcony doors in lieu of not being able to go after Patrick.
The glass doors splintered and shattered as the table hit. Luckily my balcony was large, otherwise, the table and glass would have ended up on the street below. That wasn’t something I’d thought about when I’d let my anger out. I was damn lucky. The last thing I wanted was to hurt an innocent bystander.