Page 13 of Stryker
Groaning, I dropped my head between my knees. “God, I feel strange. Not only was there the fighter from last night, but then today.”
“You’re not making any sense.”
For the first time since I’d arrived, I raised my head and looked at Millie. She stood in front of me, bewilderment clear on her face. “That’s not surprising because I can’t make any sense out of it.”
“You need to calm down and start at the beginning.” Millie turned me around and pushed my shoulders until I was lying down. My head fell into her lap and her fingers began playing with my long hair. It was something that she’d done since we were kids, and it always had a soothing effect.
“I went to the small bar I love. It’s the only place where I can breathe. Well, except for with you, but you know what I mean.”
Millie frowned, which told me that she hadn’t really known what I meant.
I couldn’t stay down because I was too restless after being at Julio’s place, and I needed more of something. I just didn’t know what.
“Okay.” I breathed in and out a few times before I felt calm enough to talk. “When I entered Julio’s place, he greeted me as usual…but instead of sitting me at my regular table he took me further into the bar.” I watched Millie frown, and asked, “You following.”
She nodded.
“He seemed to look off into a darkened corner and when I glanced there, at first, I didn’t see anyone, but then I felt eyes on me. As though someone was staring at me so hard they could see through me. I know I’m not making much sense, but when I turned, the shape of a large man was visible.” I paced back and forth in front of her window.
“It sounds like you need to stay away from there.”
“No, I want to go back.”
“Evie, are you crazy? That guy might have problems. Who sits in the dark staring at women?”
She was right. Of course she was right.
I felt something though, even if I did run to Millie’s.
For a few minute, as my hands had hovered over the keys of my laptop, I’d felt his loneliness reaching out to me. It had been familiar…as though I’d felt it before and I had when I’d been sitting in a crowded arena, watching the fighter last night.
Maybe because he felt it too.
All I’d seen of the stranger at the bar was from his waist up to his chest, and his arms, which had been long, leading to large hands. I’d wanted to see more, but I’d chickened out and ran as though my ass was on fire.
I’d go there again.
I had to.
The pull had been strong.
Nothing that strong could be left to the what if’s.
Even the little voice in my head, reminding me that I was supposed to be getting married soon, did nothing to persuade me that it was a bad idea.
“He could be a murderer, or an ex con. Someone that you don’t want to touch you.” Millie looked serious about her suggestions when I glanced at her.
“I don’t think he is.” I dropped into the chair by the window.
“Oh my God!” Millie jumped up and kneeled in front of me, her hands grabbed mine and held tight. “Please tell me you’ll stay away.”
I bit my lip. I didn’t want to lie to her. But really, I knew that I would go back to Julio’s. It was my escape, my bit of solitude from everything about Patrick and the wedding. Except now, I had more of a reason to go back. I wanted to see who it was in that corner.
Julio would know. I had a feeling he purposely made me sit close to the mystery man.
“Evie, stop daydreaming and promise me you won’t go back there.”
“I’m not going to make a promise I know I’ll break. I wish I could explain it to you, but I can’t.” I closed my eyes and prayed she didn’t think I’d completely lost it when I admitted, “He made me throb, Millie.”