Page 9 of Love in Surrender (De La Fuente Family 8)
He glances at me and I don’t miss the worry in his eyes. I know he’s worried about the baby being too big for Felicity, so is her OB. But my stubborn sister wants to try to give birth the natural way.
I’m worried sick about her. She’s the only family I have left and I wish she wasn’t as stubborn as me.
By the time we’re close to the hospital my panic has risen, although I try not to show it. The last thing anyone needs is me getting in the way. Violet pulls into a disabled parking spot and then I feel her hand tightly on mine. “She’s going to be okay.” She squeezes and then she’s gone.
Kasey helps Felicity into my wheelchair and they run into the hospital as Violet brings a hospital chair around for me.
“We don’t need to rush now,” she says, her hands moving to my legs.
Once everything is locked up, we’re soon waiting for the elevator up to maternity. I take Violet’s hand into mine. Her surprised gaze locks on mine as she questions me.
I smile and say, “Thank you. You thought of me when you didn’t have to. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.” I kiss her hand and keep it in mine until the elevator arrives.
In order to move forward I force myself to let her go, but the minute we’re sitting in the waiting room, I grab her hand again. I don’t look at her because I’m afraid of what I’ll see. But I place her palm on my thigh and hold her other hand tightly. She’s my lifeline now.
For hours Blake has needed me, while we wait for news on Felicity. It’s a completely new side of him and I like it. I like it a lot. He keeps reaching for my hand as though he needs me close, and when I’m moving around the room to stretch my legs, I’m aware of his eyes trailing me.
I’m not sure what I’m supposed to think, even though I’m hopeful this is the start of something for us. With Blake, and how distant he can be, it may not last. I’m so used to him pushing me away, I’m afraid he’s going to break my heart all over again.
If he needs me though, I’m not going anywhere. What should I do about Boston? I don’t really want to be so far away from him, but if this isn’t the start of something good for us, then I can’t be here anymore.
Diego walks in looking a bit rough around the edges. “I can’t stay long. Rae’s been admitted while they do some tests.” He drops down in a seat facing us, his eyes focusing on our joined hands before moving upwards. “Felicity is okay, right?”
“As far as we’ve been told, yes… What’s wrong with Rae?”
“She hasn’t been very well and she’s lost some weight. I found her passed out in the front garden. They told me to come back in thirty minutes.” Diego rubs his face. “I’m scared it’s something serious.”
I move toward him and wrap my arm around his shoulders. “I’ll come and find you and Rae when we have any news, and you let me know if you need anything.”
“Thanks Violet.” He squeezes my hand, unsure of himself. “I’m going to head back in case the Doc needs me.”
Gently pulling away from Diego, I glance at Blake.
He holds his hand out, so I grip it, allowing him to pull me back down beside him. “Felicity is going to be okay. You do know that right? She’s a fighter just like her brother.”
“I know. It’s just—” he inhales and exhales slowly, “—she’s the only family I have.”
“When she married Kasey, you both gained a new family Blake. I get what you’re saying, but you’re not alone anymore. Neither of you are.”
His eyes pierce into mine and I can’t look away. Blake tightens his hold around my hand and says, “Once things calm down, we need to talk Violet. I mean really talk.”
I can’t find my voice, so I nod my head in agreement.
A wry smile dances across his lips. “I know I’m an asshole and that I’ve hurt you, but I want all of that to change. It has to, I can’t lose you.”
He turns away when the doctor enters the room. I’m grateful for the distraction because I have to rapidly blink away my tears at this unexpected but welcome side of Blake.
“Blake, Violet,” the doctor confirms. “Can you follow me?” He turns back the way he came.
“My sisters okay, right?” Blake asks as we follow after him, his voice tight with tension.
The doctor turns back
, smiling. “Your sister and…her baby are doing just fine.” He holds the door for us. “So is your brother-in-law.” He sniggers.