Page 4 of Love in Surrender (De La Fuente Family 8)
It’s been a week since we returned home and it’s beyond obvious that Blake is trying to avoid me. I would have said it was difficult to do, considering he’s confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn’t seem to hinder his ability to disappear one bit. He’s out early, and then he doesn’t come back until after dinner.
I’m afraid to ask him where he’s spending his time in case the answer breaks my heart even more than he already has. He’s stubborn, which is why I haven’t pushed him to accept what we mean to each other. He’s made up his mind and there is no changing it.
Him and his stubbornness!
Rapidly blinking to get rid of the glassy tears, I pour a cup of black coffee and wrapping my hands around it, I stare placidly out of the back window, contemplating what I should do about my date with Deacon. I certainly don’t want to lead him on; he doesn’t deserve that.
I shake my head, determined to enjoy this evening and Deacon’s company.
I’m dressed in jeans, boots, and a pale pink evening blouse while I wait for Deacon to knock on the door. I should be happy and excited about tonight, but so far I only feel anxious.
Inhaling deeply, I tell myself to forget about Blake for the next few hours and just let lose, and who knows, perhaps I’ll enjoy the date.
Hearing the bell, I sigh, and turning, I stumble slightly when I see Blake watching me from the doorway. “I didn’t know you were home.”
“Where else would I be?” he counters, his hand running over his weary face.
I narrow my gaze and look more closely. “Considering you are hardly ever home these days, I don’t really know what to expect when it comes to your presence.”
He looks haggard with his shoulders hunched over. “I was…”
The bell buzzes.
“I better go.” I grab my purse from the table and hesitate. “Are you okay?”
He glances up, clearing his throat. “You look really nice, Violet,” he says softly. “Really nice.”
I hold his gaze and the buzzing bell snaps my attention away. “I’ll see you later.”
Trying to avoid his gaze, I quickly dash to the front door, and while I’m opening it, I hear, “Home by ten,” shouted from behind me.
Deacon clears his throat and frowns.
Embarrassed, I say, “Sorry about that, Blake’s just trying to be funny,” while I quickly step outside and shut the door. “Should we go?”
“Umm,” Deacon tilts his head and observes me. “Are you sure there’s nothing going on between the two of you?”
Startled by his candor, I squeak, “I’m sure. Why?”
“Everyone at the sheriff’s office was surprised you said yes.” He shrugged. “I thought it was just me imagining things at first, until I overheard a conversation about you and Blake.”
Feeling bad, I reach out and touch Deacon’s arm softly. “I’m sorry. I guess we do share a house.” I smile and force it to reach my eyes. “If there was something between Blake and I, then I wouldn’t be here with you.”
He watches me closely and then suddenly smiles. “Glad to hear it. I don’t like to share” He offers his arm. “Shall we head out?”
My heart feels lighter as I take his arm. Tonight is for me, and I’m going to have fun.
Blake is being stubborn and doesn’t want to acknowledge what an amazing person I am, but Deacon does. It will be hard acting indifferent toward him, but it’s what I’m going to have to do from now on. It’s the only way I know how to move forward.
Deacon ushers me into his truck, and once he pulls out onto the road, I really look at him. There’s strength in his thighs, and as my gaze moves higher, his hands clench around the steering wheel, which has my gaze moving up to his face. He quickly glances at me before turning his attention back to the road. “Tell me something about you, Violet. Something that no one else knows.”
I sit back and smile out of the passenger window. “I’m an open book so I’m not sure there’s anything…”
“Everyone has secrets,” he interrupts with a sharp laugh.
“I don’t like milk in coffee.” I shake my head and wince. “I’m really boring.”
“I don’t believe that,” Deacon scoffs. “I think you just need the right guy to show you how to have fun.” He grins, but it doesn’t reach his gaze.