Page 33 of Love in Surrender (De La Fuente Family 8)
She smiles and standing up backs away while Zach takes her place in front of me. “You ready?” he asks.
Nodding, I take a firm grip of the bars in front of me and nod, giving him the signal that I’m ready. He grabs the harness around my waist and hauls me up.
Initially I stumble and feel unsteady but after a deep breath, I have the confidence and the strength to move my left leg forward. It holds. The right is more difficult—slower. But then I’m moving my left again, and the right becomes easier, but still slower than the left. By the time I’m at the end of the bars I feel shaky, and sag into the wheelchair that Violet had slowly pushed behind me.
Her arms go around my shoulders as she squeezes tightly. “I’m so proud of you.” She kisses my ear and then quickly moves around in front, sitting across my lap. Her small hands cup my face and she slowly moves in capturing my lips with her own.
The feel of her, the taste of her, feels perfect. I really pushed myself today and walked further than I had before. I was determined that she would see something different than Zach has, up to now. I grip Violet tightly around her waist and rest my forehead in the curve of her neck. “I love you,” I whisper, raising my gaze to hold hers. “Thank you for being here with me today.”
Tears hover on her lashes. “I’m right where I need to be Blake.”
“Good, because I have no intention of letting you go.” I give her a gentle nudge to move from my lap because we’re attracting an audience and she works here. She may have forgotten but I haven’t. “I’ll see you at home.” I pat her on the ass and grin when she turns, her smile wide and bright.
Bending close, she whispers, “You need to be ready to celebrate tonight.”
Groaning, I reply, “I’m always ready with you.”
She meets my gaze and I wink. “Until tonight, babe!”
Her eyes widen in surprise as she quickly glances around. I think maybe I should have kept my mouth closed when I see her boss, Rich walking toward us.
Violet marches past him and I notice amusement in his eyes. “Keeping her on her toes I see.”
“I love her.” I shrug. “It doesn’t bother me who knows.”
He nods. “The love of a good woman is worth anything.” Clearing his throat, he adds, “Can we talk?” He glances around. “Maybe go outside?”
I don’t hesitate, eager to hear what he has to say. “Lead the way.”
Curious as to why the owner of this complex wants to talk to me, I follow him outside and into the garden. It’s funny that the first thing we both do is glance at the overcast sky.
He grins and sha
kes his head, sitting on a bench in front of the fountain. “I’ve been watching you, and you’ve come a very long way, in the short time you’ve been here.”
Not sure what he wants me to say, I agree, nodding. “I have.”
“What are your future plans?” he enquires.
“Other than to be with Violet, I’m trying not to think too far ahead.” I shrug and look out toward the ocean. “The strength and mobility in my legs is growing, but I have more weakness in my right leg. Even if I do get about on two feet again, I’ll probably always need the support of a cane.” I stare back at Rich. “Until I was a stupid ass and got myself run over, I’d never imagined doing anything but hockey. Hockey and my sister were my life. Now I have Violet … but I don’t know anything else. I know I need something. I’m just not sure what yet.”
“That’s what I thought and it’s the reason why I wanted to talk to you.” He smiles. “I have connections within the NHL and if you wanted to get back into things, maybe I could make some calls and see if anyone had a coach, or even assistant coach position available.” He raises a brow while I stare at him like an idiot.
“I … um, okay.” I laugh. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting that.” Is that what I want though? To be part of the hockey world again? What about Violet and her job here? “It would have to be local. Even college level would be good, but I’m not up for anything that would take me away from Violet. She comes first.”
“I admire you for that.” He pats me on the shoulder. “I’ll make some calls and see what comes from it.”
“Thank you.” I hold my hand out.
Shaking it, he grins and walks off.
College hockey would be the way to go if I’m being honest with myself. I may have played for an NHL team, but being around professionals knowing that I’ll never be able to do that again would be difficult.
Not sure how long I’ve been sitting outside when I suddenly feel small hands covering my eyes. “I wondered where you’d disappeared to,” Violet says, sitting across my lap—my favorite place to have her. “Everything okay?”
“Everything is always okay when I have you in my arms.” I smile and nuzzle into her neck. “You always smell as fresh as Violet’s.” I chuckle as she rolls her eyes.
She snuggles in against me and the silence surrounds us while I continue to think about what Rich had said. It would be a job in a sport that I love, and not a lot of people get that opportunity. Except there is something in me, telling me to say no—telling me that everything will change if I accept a job offer.