Page 8 of Love in Education (De La Fuente Family 7)
“Look Kasey, I am upset, but I’ve decided that I’m going to pull myself together and jump back into the dating pool. I’m young and single. I have everything going for me. I promise that I will be fine.”
“If you say so,” he counters.
“I do.” Clearing my throat and swiping at my tears, I ask, “Everything really okay there? Why did you call?”
I can hear the grin in his voice as he says, “We want to invite you to our baby shower in three weeks time.”
I laugh. “Isn’t it a bit early? I thought those got held when the mom-to-be was big as a house.”
He chokes. “Luckily Felicity finds that funny. Ha...and we’re having it early so that we can have a joint one with your mom and Diego. The doctor has warned that she may need to be on bed rest as her due date gets closer. Diego said it’s an age thing, but you haven’t heard those words.”
I frown into the phone. “Shouldn’t I have known about my mom?” I ask, totally ignoring the age thing because I know Diego does like to tease my mom about their age difference.
Silence follows and hangs until Kasey’s back on the phone. “You should have, and Diego is probably going to be pissed that I told you before they have.”
“My mom’s okay, right?”
“As far as we are aware your mom is in perfect health.” He sighs. “She’s been told that because of her age, which I have to say didn’t go down too well, they are probably going to have her on bed rest in another month or so, hence the early baby shower.”
“I’m sorry, Andie. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“Don’t apologize. You both have the right to be excited for your baby, and I’m your best friend so of course you’re going to ask me. I’d be annoyed if you hadn’t.”
“That’s my girl.” He laughs. “I want to see you here with a smile on that face, and I might even be able to rustle up a fine cowboy for you.”
“Kasey,” I warn.
“Hey, I’m allowed to do this for you. Love you, Sis. Gotta go.” He hangs up.
Shaking my head, I find that I’m smiling now that I’ve spoken to Kasey. He always makes me feel lighthearted. I’m curious as to why my mom or Diego haven’t been in touch though. Why wouldn’t they tell me?
Hearing someone knocking on my door, I drag my weary body from the bed and through my small apartment, which I’m lucky to have to myself. Opening the door though, I’m surprised to see Pattie on the other side.
“You look like you should be elsewhere,” I comment as she’s dressed in cropped fitted jeans with a yellow off the shoulder blouse.
“And you look like you’ve just gotten out of bed.” Her eyes look me up and down.
“I did.”
“Well, you need to change.”
“Um, I’m not going anywhere but back to bed.”
She sighs and for once looks uncomfortable. “You’re missing a great party.”
I shake my head and back away.
“It’s a barbecue at Sawyer’s place. All his students are there.”
“Oh,” I say deflated as I drop into a chair. “I didn’t know he was having a party.”
She blinks. “He didn’t invite you?”
I just hold her gaze.
“Sorry. I guess that’s obvious.” She drops to the sofa. “I’m here now, so go and get changed and I’ll drive you over.”