Page 38 of Love in Education (De La Fuente Family 7)
“Dennison mustn’t be in today,” Jeremy mutters.
“This should be fun.” I slump in my chair, hoping she doesn’t see me while I feel Jeremy’s frown on me.
“What’s going on?”
I debate whether or not to tell him, but the heck. “She thinks there’s something going on between Sawyer and me.”
“But there is.”
“Yeah, but she only thinks there is. She has no proof.”
“Not like me you mean?” Jeremy’s angry again.
“Yes, but I trust you. I don’t trust her. She
has a vindictive streak and I have a feeling that she’d do anything to break Sawyer and I up.”
“I have something in common with her, then huh?” Jeremy smiles.
My eyes widen in surprise. “You wouldn’t?”
He rolls his eyes. “No, I wouldn’t. I was joking.” After a wry smile, he keeps his gaze on the witch at the front.
Professor Long leans against the desk in the front and lets her gaze wander over everyone. I get a sick feeling that it has everything to do with me. That’s she’s taking this class today because she knows that it’s a required one for me, and right now she’s looking...and bingo! Her gaze lands on me, and stays. Her lips twitch and curl up into a knowing smirk.
Beside me Jeremy groans. “This isn’t going to end well.” He heavily sighs and placing his hand on my thigh, squeezes. “We’re friends, Andie.”
My hand covers his and we stay like that for a moment, even when I watch Long’s gaze lower to our joined hands. At the time I never even gave it a thought, but I wonder if this will throw her off. She certainly doesn’t like it and narrows her gaze.
“I presume,” she starts, “that you all know who I am, and today I’m standing in for Professor Dennison who has a date with a surgeon over his gallbladder.” She pauses and stares a moment too long again before continuing, “Ms. Foster,” she shouts and my heart thuds in my chest while the blood rushes through my ears. “Front of the class. You can assist me today.”
“Shit,” Jeremy curses.
He stares at me along with everyone else in the room and even though I don’t make eye contact, I can feel their eyes. I sense their relief that she hasn’t picked one of them, but I can’t stop the anxiety that has me in its grip.
Sawyer and Jeremy are the only two who know about me, and with the way Jeremy has now shifted in his chair, he knows I’m about to have another full-fledged attack.
“Miss. Foster, I do not have all day,” Long snaps.
Whispers meet my ears and I know I have to move, I just hope that I manage to stay on my feet when I do.
“Let’s leave,” Jeremy whispers. “I’ll come with you.”
I swallow, trying to clear the fear and panic from my fogged brain. “We can’t.”
Slowing my breathing. I slowly move from behind my desk and one minute I think I’m going to be okay, and the next my vision goes funny. I feel like I’m swimming. I turn toward Jeremy who’s mouth I can see moving, but that’s all. Then as I see him moving toward me, nothing . . .
* * *
Intense arguing beside me has my eyelids fluttering open and my vision clearing. I wish it hadn’t. I’m met with Sawyer and her having a standoff.
There’s accusations flying between them and then I hear, “You’re not concerned because she’s a graduate of yours, you’re concerned because you’re fucking her.”
The room goes silent for a few seconds before Long starts ranting again right in Sawyer’s face.
Choosing this moment to make my wakeful presence known, I cough and try to push myself up in the bed. To my surprise Jeremy is the one who comes to my aid. He’s a surprise though because I had no clue that he was even in the room.