Page 29 of Love in Education (De La Fuente Family 7)
Eric disappears and I feel Andie tugging on my hand. “Let’s go and find Blake.”
Andie leads me by the hand out of the house through the back patio and that’s where we find Blake. He’s moved himself from the wheelchair to one of the patio chairs and looks deep in thought as he peels the label on the water bottle.
He spots us approaching and just watches with a scowl on his face. He probably wants to be left alone at least by us because I certainly saw him take notice when Violet’s name was mentioned before we arrived here to join the ladies. He’d gotten upset when Kasey had mentioned some guy in town had been asking Violet out for a while now, and that he thought she’d eventually accept. So yeah, Blake hadn’t been impressed.
Wrapping her arm around Blake’s neck, she kisses him on his cheek before sitting beside him. “It’s good to see you.”
He offers a wry smile and watches as I sit next to Andie. “It’s good to see you too. Been a while.”
“Too long.” Andie grins. “I’m still waiting for you to visit me in Colorado...and I don’t want to hear anything about the chair, okay. Just say the word and we’ll get you there...please.”
Blake stares at Andie for a few minutes and then offers her a soft smile before he looks at me. “Don’t screw it up with her.”
“I’ve no intention of doing that.”
“Talking about screwing up,” Andie glares at Blake, “what did we talk about the last time we hung out?”
Blake blushes but holds her gaze. “I’m stuck in a chair. I can’t even get a job like this. She deserves the world, Andie. I can’t give her that.”
“I’m not going to hound you because I can see you don’t need that, but, have you thought that maybe the only world she wants is yours?”
Blake stills until he moves his gaze over to the mountains in the distance.
Kissing his cheek, Andie whispers something before kissing him once more and taking my hand she drags me further into the garden.
“What was that about?” I ask the minute we’re alone. “All that kissing.”
She grins. “You’re jealous of me kissing him?”
I think about it for a minute and realize that I am but I decide to stay silent because I don’t think she’d appreciate my jealousy at least when it’s directed at Blake.
Pushing me up against a tree, out of the view of others, she cups my face in her cool hands, so I let my hands wander and cupping her bottom, I tug her up against me.
Her eyes roll before she focuses on me. “Blake is a friend, and only a friend. He is a handsome guy, but I met you first, and there is no comparison. My guy is sexy and so damn hot that my panties melt when he looks at me. Plus, Blake is in love with Violet, but won’t admit it. Or what I really believe is that he has admitted it to himself, but thinks that he doesn’t have anything to offer her, which he’s practically admitted.” She shrugs. “He’s a great guy and I really want him to have a life with Violet. So does Felicity, except she has no patience with him right now. I think it’s her hormones.”
“Yeah, women and their hormones.” I shudder and laugh at the surprise on Andie’s face. “What? Pattie has enough hormones for five women. Scares the fuck out of me.”
She laughs and drags a groan from between my lips when she rubs against my dick.
Pressing her tightly against me, I beg, “Not here where your family can find us.”
“You’re rock hard.” She moans. “I think we can be quick.” On her last words, she gives me a cheeky smirk and slowly starts to nuzzle down my chest until her fingers find my belt.
With ease she unbuckles me and I’ve lost the will to stop her. Even with the possibility of being caught, I can’t stop her. I ache for her touch just like I do all the damn time. She knows this too and uses it to her advantage, which I have to say, I’m totally okay with.
Her fingers feel amazing as they wrap around me and bring my cock out and toward her waiting mouth. I pant with the arousal coursing through me. The sight of her on her knees with my cockhead hovering so close to her red lips has precum tingling through the length and seeping from the tip. My breaths become heavier as I wait with anticipation for her to take me into her mouth.
I don’t wait long and quiver when she reaches out, wrapping her hand around the base of my shaft. “Don’t take your eyes off me,” she whispers, and then I can’t breathe as the crown of my cock disappears between her red lips. The feel and the visual have my balls aching and then when she closes her mouth tightly around me, my legs quiver. She slowly pulls back, teasing me to the brink. The impression of her lips is on my cock, making me harder at the sight.
Her lips tip up at the corners in a wide grin as she looks at her handy work, and strokes with one finger along the underside before pressin
g her nail between the slit. “I want you to come in my mouth while you watch me work you over.”
I let out a gargled groan of ecstasy as my flesh disappears into her mouth. She takes me slowly until her nose nuzzles the hairs on my pelvis...and then she just as slowly lets me slip out to the tip before she sucks, getting the volcano inside my balls ready to explode.
I arch toward her mouth, grabbing ahold of the branches above me for support. The heat and wetness surrounding my cock feels amazing and then I nudge the back of her throat as she takes me so deep that I’m snug. The combination of the hand between my legs, the vibrations along my cock, and the visual, have my balls bursting, shooting the fire along my cock as I spill down her throat. She swallows everything and the more she swallows the more I spill. I’m sure the top of my head is about to blow off, and I don’t mean the one on my shoulders.
Her tongue wraps around me and my belly quivers when her fingers reach under my shirt. Digging her nails into my chest she slowly drags them down and tangles her fingers in my pubes.