Page 27 of Love in Education (De La Fuente Family 7)
Andie places her palm on my thigh, which I quickly remove and intertwine our fingers together. She smirks and I groan inwardly when I realize that her parents are watching our every move.
Clearing my throat, I say, “I’m not sure what to say really because you’ve obviously heard about me from Andie.” I glance at her and notice the slight blush along her cheeks. “You know I’m her Professor, which is awkward, but I’ve been attracted to your daughter from the first time I met her. I did fight against it, but you know her right? She isn’t easy to forget.” I bring our joined hands up and kiss her knuckles. “I love her, this between us is more than forbidden fruit and all that. I’m old enough to know what I want and that’s Andie.”
“Oh, honey!” Rae bursts into tears and Diego just rolls with it, passing her a box of Kleenex. “I’m so happy you finally got your professor.”
Andie grins. “Me too.”
Diego clears his throat. “You do realize that the walls in this place are thin, right?”
I glance at Andie and try not to grin at the embarrassment I see on her face. “I’ve slept in my room numerous times since you moved in here Diego, so yes, I know how thin the walls are.”
Rae chuckles. “He wasn’t expecting that when he gave you a warning.”
“Hey, I’m thinking about your delicate ears,” he tells his wife.
“A train traveling through the house wouldn’t wake me with how deeply I’ve been sleeping so I very much doubt anything else will.”
“Mom, Diego, it’s okay. We have a room booked at La Quinta Inn. I want to mix family time with showing Sawyer around town.”
“But—” Rae starts.
“Andie is going to be close by.” Diego hugs his wife. “They’ll be fine there.”
I’m glad that he’s okay with us staying elsewhere because it would be too awkward staying here. I sure as hell wouldn’t be making love to Andie in her family home, which is how I persuaded her to let me book us somewhere in town.
“As my husband is going to be more comfortable with that arrangement, I’ll leave it.” Rae says. “But you better not be late for the baby shower.”
“I won’t. Where’s it being held?”
“At Kasey and Felicity’s new place. They can’t wait to show it off to you. They’ve just finished having a ramp built for Blake to use.” Rae sighs softly. “I think they planned on having Blake live with them, which I think Kasey would have been more on board with if Felicity wasn’t pregnant. Blake obviously realized it as well and he’s refused and is still living in town with violet.”
“Oh boy! I bet Felicity wasn’t happy having Blake refuse to move in. Did she know that Kasey wasn’t happy with her idea?”
“Oh yes! Didn’t last for long though when he reasoned with her.” Rae shrugs. “Blake is fine where he is and I think it would have broken Violet’s heart to have him move out.” She smiles. “They’re a right pair.”
“He needs a kick in the ass before he loses Violet to someone else,” Diego adds.
“Why Diego,” Andie teases, “I didn’t know you liked to gossip.”
Rae throws back her head and laughs. “The De La Fuente men love to gossip. I swear they gossip more than a bunch of church women.”
“Hey now,” Diego complains, his lips twitching. “If we didn’t gossip about our women we wouldn’t know half of the stuff that we do.” He smirks.
“God, I don’t even want to know.” Rae shakes her head, and focuses on me. “I’m curious Sawyer, how have you and my daughter been able to hide what’s going on between you both? Isn’t anyone curious?”
“I haven’t hid the fact that I have a girlfriend or that I’m in love with her.” I smile at Andie. “I just haven’t told anyone her name.” I look between her mom and Diego, and admit, “It hurts not being able to go anywhere together as a couple, which is why I wanted us to stay in town here. I want to be able to take Andie out and treat her to everything I’ve been unable to back in Denver, because the chances of us bumping into someone that we know is a lot higher back there.
“She deserves everything, and up to now we’ve had to hold off. My sister Pattie was staying with me and she helped us some, but now we just spend our time at my home. I have a pool that’s private, which means we’re not spending all our time indoors, hiding away...But, I’m hoping that very soon, to be able to walk down the street at the College while holding her hand.”
“Oh,” Rae gasps. “You really are in love with my daughter.”
“Jeez Rae, don’t do that.” Diego clutches his chest. “You gasp and I panic.”
“You didn’t panic last night, you—” she stops talking with a twinkle in her eyes as Diego covers her mouth with his hand.
Andie jumps up. “And, that’s our cue to leave.”