Page 2 of Love in Education (De La Fuente Family 7)
“You came home annoyed, and don’t try to deny it. I saw your face and you slammed the door. You’d normally get all prissy whenever I slammed it. Why?”
“It’s an old door.”
She rolls her eyes. “Why. Are. You. Annoyed?” Her loud sigh fills the room. “Look, I’m your sister. We’re family. Talk to me.”
I contemplate her for a minute or two and then admit, “There’s a girl.” I cough. “Well, a woman really, that I really like.”
“You mean you really like her or you really, really, really like her?”
“The latter,” I reluctantly admit.
She bursts out laughing. “Well, I never thought I’d see the day when my geeky brother professor fell hard.” She laughs again. “So what’s her name, and why isn’t she with you?” Her eyes narrow. “Doesn’t she think you’re good enough?”
“Stop.” I run my hands through my hair. “I think she feels it too, but it’s complicated. A whole lot of complicated and because I haven’t acted on my feelings for her, she’s now out on a date with another man.”
“Oh, that won’t do.”
“Pattie, you have to promise not to interfere.”
“You’re kidding right? You obviously aren’t doing so well on your own.”
Resigned, I admit, “She’s a student.” I go for broke. “She’s not only a student but she’s one of my TAs. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can happen between us.”
“That doesn’t mean that you can’t be around while she’s on a date though, right? I mean we could go and eat. I am hungry.”
I love my sister even though she can be a pain in the ass. Growing up it had always been us against the world, especially after Mom left. It still is. We always seemed to comfort the other, but her interference in my life is legendary.
“So, are we going out to eat because I have to tell you, your fridge and cupboards are pitiful.”
I smile. “I don’t know where they’ve gone, so we could guess . . .”
“Okay. You go and shower. I’ll be a good little sister and wait here.” She grins.
If I didn’t know better I’d say she was up to something, but as she doesn’t know Andie or Jeremy’s names I think I should be safe.
“Go on and shower.”
I turn and head toward my bedroom when she shouts behind me, “You might want to get rid of the frustration while you’re in there.”
I stumble to a stop, and growl over my shoulder, “What the fuck?”
“You’re a guy and I haven’t met one yet who doesn’t like to yank his own chain in the shower.” She smirks. “Just don’t make any noises while you’re at it.” She heads back into the living room shaking her full head of bright orange curly hair.
For the third time in thirty minutes, I find myself in the restroom bending over the washbasin while I splash my heated skin with refreshing cold water. Shifting my gaze from watching the swirl of the water as it drains away, I stare at myself in the mirror.
I’m usually more controlled except after talking to my professor in the flesh after so long of using email for communication, I feel as though I’m slowly losing it. Well, considering how often I’ve been hiding out this evening, I’d say that I’m rapidly losing it.
Jeremy has already had enough of me if the long sigh, moments before, is anything to go off. I don’t blame him really because I’m being a terrible date. He’s waited months for me to accept tonight’s date and I’m ruining it for him.
I grab a handful of tissue and dry my face while I give myself a talking to. I need to shove Sawyer out of my head and concentrate on Jeremy. It’s completely unfair of me to think about another man while with a great one and I’m going to stop.
Jeremy is a nice guy and looks handsome in his beige colored slacks, pale blue shirt and knitted dark blue sweater. He does have the tendency to talk about himself all the time, which gets annoying after a while. But, he’s interested in me, which is a plus.
So is Sawyer!