Page 7 of Love in Game (De La Fuente Family 6)
Refusing to look at him, I face the window as the driver moves through the Cleveland traffic, but I have more to say, “If the man that I met that night hadn’t rescued me, then I don’t know what that drunken asshole would have done. He really scared me. The man who rescued me was kind and caring. I enjoyed talking to him. Beca
use that’s all we did…talk.” I turn and get in my brother’s face. “Just because you would have gotten your dick out, doesn’t mean that everyone else is the same. We talked and then fell asleep, and then I left when I got all your messages and missed calls.” I fold my arms across my chest, really annoyed with him, and add, “If you weren’t my brother, I’d have reported you for being a crazy stalker.”
Roger bursts out laughing, but shuts up pretty quickly when he realizes I’m being serious. “Shit,” he curses.
I feel Blake breathing heavily in frustration next to me. “Bev is history,” he admits, which snaps my attention to him. “No one treats you like shit and gets away with it. I hate that you needed me and I wasn’t there.” He shakes his head in anger.
Blinking a few times, I ask, “You finally accept that he really did help me, and didn’t get into my pants?”
Roger sighs, and when I notice Blake’s gaze flicker over my shoulder, I know his friend is waiting for his answer as well. Everyone knows what a short fuse Blake has when it comes to me.
Finally, he answers, “Yeah. I believe you. You can’t lie for shit.”
Obviously I can, otherwise he’d have known that I was lying about not knowing the name of the man who I’m missing like crazy.
Every inch of my body throbs after the rigorous workout that Coach has just put us through. I know I’ve slacked off a little recently because of family weddings, but fuck, he knows how to get me where it hurts.
I spent more time on my ass than my feet for the first time in forever, and that pisses me off. What pisses me off all the more is that it wouldn’t have happened if my head was focused on the ice instead of the young brunette who seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth.
Waking up and finding her gone had crushed me. She hadn’t left a note or anything to indicate that I’d ever see her again. Months have gone by and I still think of her everyday. All I know is her first name and that she lives in Cleveland. Not enough to find her. I’ve even considered asking my brother Eric to try and find her for me. I haven’t though because what if she doesn’t want to see me again? I wish I knew more because not knowing what went wrong or if she’s all right, is slowly driving me insane.
“Fuente!” Coach yells, jarring me from the sadness and frustration that always comes over me when thinking about finding Felicity.
I nod in his direction with acknowledgement and inwardly groan when he waves me to go over to him.
Probably another ass-chewing for being such a rookie on the ice. Scratch that, even a rookie wouldn’t have played so crappy. I sure as fuck had a work out though because sweat is still running down my back.
Getting closer to Coach, he smirks. “The boss wants your pretty ass in the multi-team calendar.”
I stumble to a halt and stare at him in wide-eyed shock. “Come again?”
He laughs. “Dickerson is refusing, so you’re next in line. I’ll message you the details.” He grins. “I wanted to see your reaction when I told you, and it was worth it.”
“All I heard was calendar. What?” I run my fingers through my hair. “I have to model?” I force the word out.
He shakes his head, amusement still clear on his face. “Okay, here’s the deal. The powers that be are putting together a multi-team calendar with all profit being split between the charities each team chooses. The calendars are eighteen months long, with nine teams in each one. Not only is it for a good cause, but it’s good publicity for the team and you. On your page, it will list your bio, etcetera.” He sighs. “I know you’ve always shied away from this kind of stuff before the Mavericks, but my advice is to just go with it.”
It’s pointless arguing about this because reading between the lines it’s a done deal and I’m already on the list. “Full kit?”
“Take it, but they usually have you losing some of the uniform. They want teasing shots.” He holds his hand out to silence me before I can speak. “I got that from the fact sheet the boss forwarded on to me. I’ll forward it to you.” He sighs when he notices that I really do lack any enthusiasm for this. “Look, Kasey, it’s on Saturday, at least the meet ‘n’ greet is. Just go. Mingle with other players and keep reminding yourself that it’s for charity. It might make you feel better about doing it.”
I’m not sure which is worse, mingling with other players in the evening or having to model half naked for a calendar, regardless of the reasoning behind it all.
“We good?” Coach asks, not waiting around for my answer as he moves on to shout at the rest of the team.
I stare at the ice wondering why I can’t just be left to play hockey instead of all the extra stuff that comes with it. In my younger days, when I’d been scouted at college, I loved the partying, the girls, and all the extra stuff. At thirty-two, I felt fucking old and really wanted to be left alone. If it weren’t for my love of the game, I wouldn’t have signed on with the New York Mavericks. I’d have gone back to Montana.
Unsure how long I’ve been standing here like an idiot, I hear, “Kasey,” screeched at the top of a woman’s lungs, giving me seconds to get my balance before she flies into my arms.
With a grunt, I wrap my arms around her waist. “Geez, Andie…You need to lay off that chocolate cake,” I joke and get a punch in the arm for the effort.
“I haven’t put any weight on.” She frowns. “Have I?”
My eyes widen in surprise. “Andie, it was a joke.”