Page 33 of Love in Game (De La Fuente Family 6)
Accompanying Felicity up to her brother’s room, I can’t get the image of her cuddling Xander’s niece, out of my head. She’d looked so beautiful at that moment, and I knew that I wanted that to be in our future. Since she’s been back in my life, I knew that I wouldn’t let her out of it again, but seeing her holding a small baby made me crave to have everything with her.
She’s young and I want her to go to college if that’s what she wants, as long as in the evenings she comes home to me, and eventually, I want a f
amily with her.
I tighten my arm around her middle and smile when she turns her head, holding my gaze. “How are you holding up?” I ask, her wrist is still cradled against her chest and she looks tired.
“I’m okay.” She sighs. “We won’t stay long though because I’m going to need some more painkillers soon.”
“Five minutes so that Blake can see how you are doing, and then we’ll leave. You need to sleep.”
“Hmm,” she mumbles, leading the way from the elevator and to her brother’s room.
Blake is sitting up in bed and looks to have been waiting for us. I know he’s pissed because of what happened to Felicity, which he’d seen on Facebook of all places.
“Let me see,” he growls.
Felicity moves next to him and shows him her bandaged wrist. “I’m really okay, Blake. Kasey saw what was happening and came off the ice. He punched the asshole in the face.”
“I saw. It was on the video.”
Felicity looks at me, so I move and taking her in my arms, kiss her forehead before I push her gently down in the chair beside the bed.
“She needs to sleep.” I look at Blake. “Her wrist is bruised.” My gaze flicks back to Felicity and caresses over her. “I couldn’t get to her quick enough. I hate that.”
“I hated seeing it on Facebook. One of you should have told me.” Blake has every right to be pissed about that.
“It happened at halftime. Neither one of us gave a thought about it appearing on social media. I should have thought of it, but at the time I was more concerned about my girl.” I hold Felicity’s loving stare. “I wanted to kill that asshole for touching her.”
Blake snorts. “That was one hell of a punch you got him with.”
I flex my aching fist and feel the gentle touch of Felicity as she kisses my bruised knuckles. “You’re hurt too,” she whispers.
“It was worth it to knock that bastard on his ass.”
Blake chuckles. “I’m glad you saw what was going on to help her. She’s all I have.” He looks away but not before I see tears in his eyes.
I turn away and hold my hand out to Felicity. Her palm slips into mine and I lift her to her feet. She leans over her brother, her arms going around his shoulders. She kisses his cheek and whispers something to him, which has him rapidly blinking. He holds on to her like he isn’t going to let go, but when he does he’s in control again as Felicity steps into me and wraps an arm around my back.
She lays her cheek against my chest and lets out a heavy sigh. I drop my chin to the top of her head and meet her brother’s gaze. “We’ll be back tomorrow.” I lead her toward the door and turn back to Blake with a smirk on my face. “Just so you know, when we break you out of this place, we’re taking you to Montana with us.”
I close the door on her stunned brother while Felicity snickers against me. “You did that deliberately.”
“I did.” I laugh. “It gives him something else to think about. It’s also reassurance for him that I’m not going to take you away from him. He’s going to need you whether he’s walking or not.”
“Thank you,” she whispers, tears in her voice. “I don’t know how I got so lucky to meet you.”
I smile against the top of her head as we enter the busy elevator. “We need to thank Bev sometime for our meeting, besides, I’m the lucky one here.”
She chuckles. “I wouldn’t give her the pleasure of knowing that…Is Blake really going to be okay?”
Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, I answer, “I don’t know if he’ll walk again if that’s what you’re asking. But either way he’s going to have you and me to help him adjust in anyway he has to. I’m in this with you.” I kiss the top of her head. “Don’t ever forget that.”
“I won’t. We can’t go back to our apartment in Cleveland though because we’re on the third floor. There’s no elevator.”
Taking her hand, we head toward my truck. “We need to go and pack all your stuff up. For now we can put it into storage. Are you okay with letting the apartment in Cleveland go?”