Page 3 of Love in Game (De La Fuente Family 6)
“I was twelve and Blake had just turned eighteen. It was hard for him, and I guess me as well, but we survived each other. I think now at the grand old age of twenty-five, he’s living out the years that he missed because of me. But I know that if I need him, or if someone does me wrong, that he’d be there for me. I know this, Kasey.” She lifts her face to mine and the tears that I see swimming in her eyes hurts me. “I just wish he wasn’t so blind to the bimbo who takes great pleasure in trashing me.”
Kissing her forehead, I tug her back into my arms, and for the first time it registers that she’s lying on top of me. One of her legs is between mine, her hips press tightly against my arousal as a groan slips from between my lips while I hold her still.
“You’ve been through a lot and something tells me that you wouldn’t usually let someone treat you that way.”
“I wouldn’t, but she’s the first woman who Blake’s kept around, so I figured she must mean something to him. He gave up a lot for me. I don’t want to interfere unless it gets to the point that I have to.”
“I get it, but I hate it. You deserve to be treated like a queen.”
She giggles at my words, which was what I intended.
“It’s your turn. Tell me something about my knight in shining armor.” She raises her face and it’s good seeing her eyes alight with mirth.
“I’ve never been called that before,” I admit while she settles back against my chest. “I’m one of seven siblings.”
“Seriously? Seven?”
“Yeah. Dante is the oldest and he’s married to my stepsister, Emelia, who has a baby cooking. That’s one story that I’ll tell you sometime. Then there’s Eric who lives in Lexington with his wife, Sylvia. Aiden is the reason why I’m here in Vegas. It’s his bachelor party, and because he and his fiancée, Sarah, have been through so much to be together they’re having the bachelorette party here as well.” I pause.
“Then there’s Mateo who’s married to Erin and they have the sweetest baby girl, Francesca Marie who is named after our mom. I’m the youngest, but after our mom died, my dad married her best friend to help her out of a sticky situation. She was pregnant with twins, Emelia and Diego at the time. It turned out for the best because their love is obvious although it took awhile to grow. So not only do I have a large family, some of the relationships have been complicated. But at the end of the day,
we’re all family and we stick together.”
Sighing, Felicity tells me, “I used to dream about being part of a large family.”
Kissing the top of her head, I tighten my hold around her, wondering what the hell has happened to me. Felicity makes me want to ask her to pack her bags and come back to New York with me. I want to tell her that I’ll protect her, but the biggest thing of all that is on the tip of my tongue is I want to tell her she can be part of my family, which is ridiculous. I met her less than an hour ago—I must be crazy.
“Where do you live?” she whispers the question against my chest.
“My family is based outside of Great Falls, Montana, but for a few years now I’ve been living in New York…What about you?”
My heart sinks knowing that we’re not even living in the same state.
“I’m originally from Boise, Idaho, but my brother got a job in Cleveland about five years ago, so we moved.” She shrugs. “I’ve never wished to be in New York before now,” she whispers.
“I’ve never wished to visit Cleveland until now,” I admit, nuzzling into her neck.
“Only to visit?”
I smile. “I’d be flying home to Cleveland with you from here if I wasn’t tied into a contract that still has another fourteen months to go. We’d be attached at the hip, babe.”
“Mmm, I like the sound of the last part.” She moves position slightly and ends up on top of my dick.
My hand trembles as I clench her bottom to push her against my arching hips. She wiggles again and I groan, pleasure shooting straight to my balls.
“You want me?” she questions, her gaze searching mine.
“Yes, I want you.” I close my eyes before I take what I think she’s offering me, but I snap my eyes open when Felicity straddles my lap. “What are you doing?”
She blushes and looking close to tears quickly scrambles to get off me. I don’t give her the chance to go far and grab her arms. “Not so fast.” I pull her down and pant when my dick ends up right between her legs. My breathing quickens while I’m trying to calm the fuck down, but when she rotates her hips, I see stars.
Quickly rolling us, I keep my hips away from the beautiful woman beneath me, and rest my forehead against hers. “It’s obvious to us both that I want you. I want you so much that I can’t see straight…I just don’t want to have one night with you only to go our separate ways tomorrow. I don’t know what you’ve done to me, but in the very short time that I’ve known you, you’ve gotten under my skin.”
I drop to my back beside her and smile when her delicate fingers intertwine with mine. Very slowly she brings her body closer and curls into my side, so I move my arm and hold her tightly against me again. I love her being in this position, so close and comfy.
“I’ve never had sex before,” she whispers so softly that I barely hear her.