Page 29 of Love in Game (De La Fuente Family 6)
p; She lays her palms against my face. “I love you too, and what we’ve just shared was beautiful. Thank you.”
I close my eyes and tug her against me, pushing her face into my chest. I’m so close to bawling like a baby that I don’t want her to see what her words did to me.
Her hands caress my back and the top of my naked ass, arousing me all over again. She scrapes her nails up my sides and back to my ass before I capture one. I kiss her fingers. “We can’t do that again tonight or you’ll hurt too much.” I kiss the fingers of her other hand. “I’ll run you a bath and we’ll soak in there for a while.”
“I don’t need—”
I cut her off. “I want to cherish you.” I smile. “So please don’t argue.”
“As long as I can snuggle up against you in the bath then I’ll agree to it.”
“That’s what I have planned.”
“Good. I like the thought of being all wet and slippery with you.” She giggles and slaps a kiss on my lips as her fingers wrap around my rapidly growing erection. “Nothing to stop me from playing though.” She kisses down my neck and swirls a tongue around one of my nipples.
Catching my breath, I haul her back up my body, but she isn’t having any of it and rolls me so that I’m lying on my back with the most beautiful nymph sitting astride my balls. Her long dark hair trails down her back and when she arches, shoving her gorgeous rack out, the ends of her hair tickle my thighs. Looking down makes me jerk at the sight of my dick, hard and throbbing, poking out between her pussy lips.
She might have been innocent, but I’ll bet my hockey skates that right now, she knows exactly what she’s doing to me…and yeah, that chuckle she gives, says it all.
I tackle her to her back and hovering over her, I kiss her grinning lips. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll let you ride me just like that, once you no longer ache.”
She gives another laugh and her eyes fill with amusement. “I have to inform you that I constantly ache when I’m with you.”
She kills me. “A different kind of ache.”
“I was teasing, and I can’t wait to feel you inside of me while I ride you.”
Closing my eyes, I catch my breath and then jump from the bed. “I’ll run the bath. Don’t move.”
Before she can reply, I disappear into my bathroom where I lean against the vanity, trying to will the throb at my pelvis to stop. I look into the mirror and grin like an idiot. I look the same as I always do, but I feel so damn lighter it’s unreal. All thanks to the joy Felicity brings me, and I’m not just meaning the sex. I mean that’s phenomenal, but having a woman that really is mine makes me so damn happy that I’m not sure what the hell to do.
A relationship isn’t something that I have much experience with, and Felicity hasn’t either, so we’re both going into this blind, but one thing I do know is that she’s everything to me.
Glancing down my body, I’m still erect and I notice a small amount of blood on the side of my dick. Smiling, I grab a washcloth to clean up with before Felicity notices and gets embarrassed.
It doesn’t take long but once the bath is ready, I smile and wonder if she’ll like the bubble I’ve shoved in there. The scent isn’t too overpowering and it’s the perfect hint of strawberry so we should be good.
I head back into the bedroom and grin at the naked woman spread out on my bed. “You look good enough to eat.”
“Hmm, you snacked earlier,” she teases, lifting a foot and trailing it down my chest and over my straining erection.
Shaking myself free of lustful thoughts, I pick her up and stride into the bathroom. She gasps in surprise when she sees the tub filled with the strawberry scented bubbles.
I hold her tightly as I step into the bath and position us just right so that I’m leaning against the back. Felicity is between my legs with my dick hard and throbbing along her bottom and back.
“I never imagined you as a strawberry bubble bath kinda guy,” she comments, taking a handful of the bubbles and mushing them into my hair.
Kissing the side of her face as she giggles, I admit, “Andie left some stuff so when I cleared out the guest room before one of the guys stayed over for a few weeks, I moved it into here for the next time she visits. The last thing I wanted was grief for having that shit in the guest room.”
“I’m glad she left it.” Felicity takes my hands from her belly and places them over her soapy tits. “Stroke me, Kasey.”
My breath catches but no matter how hard I try, my arousal for this woman refuses to subside. Even knowing that she can’t take me again tonight doesn’t stop the want and need in my body.
Knowing I’m going to be in pain, but not bothering, I cradle her large breasts in my hands and the slippery feel of her nipples makes me ache more than ever.
“You’re killing me,” I admit, grabbing for the washcloth. I wash over her chest before slipping further south where I slowly part the lips of her pussy.
Arching, she pushes against my dick, very nearly making me come as my hands tremble against her.