Page 47 of Love in Flame (De La Fuente Family 5)
I blink through my tears, and mumble, “I’ll be there soon. I’m leaving now.”
Silence greets my statement, and then Aiden replies, “It might be best if you don’t come down, Rae. I’m sorry but it will only make things worse if you’re here.”
Hearing those words breaks my heart so instead of replying I hang up the cell and sit staring into space until I realize that Diego needs me…and that I need to be there with him. He’s my husband so no one has the right to keep me away from him no matter how difficult I’m about to make things.
Arriving at the hospital, I look around the waiting area and don’t see any of Diego’s family so I head toward the reception desk.
The nurse looks up and smiles. “How may I help you?”
“My husband,” my voice quivers so I stop and catch my breath, “he was brought in from a fire. He’s one of the rescue workers.”
“Two have been brought in recently, which one belongs to you?”
“Diego De La Fuente.”
Her smile softens as she directs me to his room. “I think his parents are talking to the doctor right now, so you should be able to catch a few minutes alone with him.”
“Thank you.”
I follow her instructions and can’t believe I made it to his room without bumping into one of his siblings.
I let the door close softly behind me as I stare at the still form of my husband lying in the hospital bed. There are machines to one side of the bed with wires attached to Diego. Moving closer, I notice that his complexion is paler than usual while tears begin to roll down my face. My legs start to weaken as I drop into the chair beside his bed, taking one of his hands into mine. I drop my forehead to our joined hands and cry.
I’m not too sure how long I’ve been this way, but hearing, “What are you doing in here?” in the most unwelcome of tones stuns me enough that my tears stop. “I want you out of this room,” Lucia almost spits the words.
“Lucia?” I recognize Emiliano’s voice as he tries to calm his wife.
“Don’t…that woman is not allowed in this room.”
I finally lift my head and see Diego’s family in the room, Lucia at the front of them looking ready to throw me out of his room herself. I meet Aiden’s gaze before he looks away and refuses to catch my eyes again.
“Excuse me,” says a doctor who is trying to exert some authority. “Why are there so many people in this room? My patient needs quiet, and space to recover.”
Lucia turns to him. “That woman by my son’s bed needs removing from this room.”
I narrow my eyes and finally find my tongue. “I’m not going anywhere.” Standing, I keep Diego’s hand in mine and land my pleading eyes on the doctor. “It’s me he’ll want to see when he wakes up. I’m his wife.”
There is a collective gasp, which I ignore and continue talking to his doctor. “Please…he’s my husband.”
“That’s a lie,” Lucia growls and takes a step toward me, but Emiliano grabs her arm to keep her still. “My son isn’t married especially to you. I want her out of here right now. She’s nothing to my son.”
I notice Aiden wince and Sarah looks up at him close to tears as though she can’t believe he’s just standing there. That’s something I’m going to be thinking about later.
“You know nothing about your son. He’s my husband, and if you want proof, all the doctor has to do is search for a marriage license in the state of Nevada.”
“Ha,” Lucia laughs. “You’re lying. What woman marries and doesn’t even have a license to prove it.”
I breathe deeply, and confess, “We do have a license which Diego wants to frame. He took the license with him when he left having got the call to head back to Montana.”
“I don’t believe a word of it.” Lucia turns to the doctor. “I want her gone now.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” To prove my words, I drop into the chair that I’d previously been sitting. Crossing my arms over my
heaving chest, I tune his mother out while staring at the beautiful but tired face of the man I love.
The doctor clears his throat from beside me. I turn and meet his gaze, which he quickly looks away from. “My patient is my priority and right now I don’t know who is right and who is wrong, but I do know that this argument isn’t helping him.” He points to Diego before finally holding my gaze. “I’m sorry but you’re going to have to leave.”
My eyes haze over at his words as I swallow the sob that rises at the back of my throat.