Page 39 of Love in Flame (De La Fuente Family 5)
Even though I’m sitting with my brothers, my eyes and attention stray over to where Rae is sitting with the girls. She’s beautiful and her happiness is making her face shine. Mateo, Aiden, and Kasey haven’t yet noticed my distraction because they’re too busy questioning Eric about married life to bother. I’m guessing with all eyes on Sylvia that she’s getting lots of questions from the girls. They say women are gossiper’s, but in my opinion men are just as bad, especially my brothers.
“Diego,” Eric snaps. “I’m talking and you haven’t heard a word that I’ve said because your head is in the clouds.” Eric raises a brow and I’m guessing he’s expecting an explanation, but not this time.
Aiden looks between the women and me, Kasey has amusement in his eyes, and Mateo looks as clueless as Eric. Except Eric is starting to get annoyed with my silence. This is so not the way I wanted this to go today.
“Look, I’ve got some things on my mind and I’ll tell you all when I can.” I shake my head to try and get my attention off Rae. “We’re here for Aiden so anything going on with me can wait.” I push away the attention. “What I don’t understand is why we’re over here and the girls are over there, when both parties want to be together.”
Eric grins. “Hmm, I think my little brother is on to something…and I think that’s our cue to join them.” He stands. “We can blame you if they’re pissed,” he adds.
The others move passed when Aiden grabs my arm. “Is something going on between you and Rae?” he hisses.
As much as I don’t want to have this conversation with him just yet, I can’t lie to him. “I’m in love with her.”
The hold on my arm slackens with Aiden’s look of surprise. “You can’t be,” he whispers. “Diego, what the hell.”
I stand in front of him so that the others can’t see us talking, and add, “I love her, bro. So damn much that it hurts not being with her.” I brush my hands through my hair in frustration. “When we get home we’re no longer going to keep our relationship a secret, and everyone will just have to deal with it because I’m not going to lose her.”
Aiden tips his head, considering my words. “My carefree brother has gone.” He offers a wry smile. “I’m glad that you’re with her. I already consider Rae part of my family so just go slow with her okay? I don’t want to see either one of you hurt.”
I nod, fighting for control. After hearing what Aiden has to say on the matter all I want is to pluck her from the chair and sit her back down but on my lap. The way I’ve just witnessed the others do with their wives and fiancée.
Shaking away my want, I smile as I slip a chair between Andie and Rae. Andie glances and smiles at me before her eyes quickly move to her mom before she goes back to her conversation with Kasey.
She knows!
That thought makes me smile as I turn to Rae and meet her gaze. She returns my heated look and with a slight adjustment her thigh rests along mine. The touch makes me wish that we were skin to skin, just like earlier.
“They’re discussing where to head out to. I think a walk along the strip is winning,” Rae whispers while the conversation carries on around us.
“At least you have the flat boots on,” I comment.
“You’re thinking about those high heels that I had on before you made me change them.” Rae grins because the sight of her legs in those shoes had me hard and aching. I’ve promised to fuck her later with only the shoes on, which is why I removed them from her feet and passed the boots over.
“You wouldn’t have been able to walk if you’d worn them, but I bet you’re glad now that we’re going walking.”
“I am, although I had no desire to actually wear them tonight. I just wanted to see your reaction.” She pats my thigh before picking up her bottle of beer and taking a drink. “It was worth it.”
Laughing, I help her to her feet and turn to help Andie who is already standing with amusement crossing her face.
“We’re going watching a game,” Kasey announces with Andie standing happily at his side.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Mom. Everyone, have a good night.” Andie and Kasey leave but not before the others look between themselves.
The knowing looks are off base because there is no way Andie and Kasey are together as a couple. I’ve spent more time around them than my other siblings have and I may be distracted with Rae, but I know the signs of flirting and there is nothing like that happening between them. They act more like siblings than anything else.
“You okay?” Rae asks, her hand on my arm and concern in her eyes.
“Just thinking about Kasey, but yeah. I’m fine.” I slip my hand to her waist and move after the other couples. Except I have to remind myself that we can’t act like a couple around my family yet. Those thoughts don’t really work when I give in to the urge and tug her closer, not bothering as to whether or not anyone sees us. I lean in and kiss the top of her head.
Rae holds me close before we slowly move slightly apart. The pain I see on Rae’s face hurts me deeply and if it weren’t for the talk with Andie not yet taking place I’d be wrapping Rae up with me—a kind of coming out to my family.
Instead, I settle for walking beside her as we stroll out of the hotel into the heat of the Las Vegas desert. Our hotel, the Flamingo, is opposite Caesars Palace and the further we walk along the strip the nearer we get to the chapel that advertises Elvis Weddings.
Wedding… Something I’ve thought about before we arrived here.
Binding Rae to me for the rest of our lives causes my heart to thump heavily in my chest. I know that I want her with me forever, and seeing the advertisement for the Elvis Wedding, only reaffirms that want and need in me…to be married in Vegas though, it would be a story to tell for years.