Page 36 of Love in Country (De La Fuente Family 4)
Aiden leans over me again and softly kisses my lips. “There isn’t any upset between us. I glared at him…and seconds later I apologized for it. We’re good.”
I watch him for a minute and then ask, “So what did I do to myself?”
“Broke your arm in two places. The doc operated and pinned it together. You’re going to be uncomfortable and in a cast for a while, so the doc has written you up a prescription for pain meds.”
I knew my arm was broken, and I guess I’m relieved that it’s a cleanish break because it could have been worse. It could have been my collarbone, which really would have put me out of action for a good while.
“Wait…he’s written up a prescription, you said, right?”
Aiden nods.
“So I get to go home?” I hope I do because I really don’t want to stay in the hospital.
“The doctor said after supper, providing you’re okay from the anesthetic they gave you.” Aiden kisses me again and sits back down. “You have visitors outside. Greg and Matthew being two of them.” Aiden frowns.
“The doc wasn’t
letting anyone in with you until Greg arrived. I raised hell and told them that you’re my fiancée.” Aiden grins. “You will be but figured I’d hurry it along.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, they let me in and then once Greg arrived the doc finally relaxed when Greg went along with my story…except…Sarah. I don’t want it to be a story. I want it to be fact.”
My eyes widen in surprise as my heart takes flight in my belly while Aiden stands nervously to the side of the bed. “You’re, um, asking me to marry you while I’m on drugs in the hospital?” I grin because I find it amusing but Aiden looks ready to puke, so I add, “Do you think I need drugs to agree to marry you, Aiden De La Fuente?”
He finally laughs and moves closer. “Like hell I do, but hey, if they have you saying yes then I’m all for the drugs.”
“I don’t need drugs, Aiden,” I say quietly. “All I need is you.” I can’t hold the tears in any longer and let them fall. “If you’re serious, then yes I’ll marry you.”
His eyes swim with tears as he cups my face in his hands and kisses me. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
“Ugh! While she’s in a hospital bed,” Rae drawls. “Really, Aiden. You propose like this?”
He smiles against my lips and pulling away, offers me a wink before he turns and faces Rae. “That’s exactly why I did it now. She can’t run away.”
“She wouldn’t run,” Rae says with confidence.
“No, she wouldn’t,” I admit and grin at Aiden, which turns into more of a wince.
“You’re hurting again,” Aiden worries.
“It’s only a twinge this time. I’m fine and don’t want anything else right now.”
“Did you give her the ring?” Rae asks, looking at my finger and frowning up at Aiden. “Where is it?”
“I haven’t had a chance to put it on her finger yet,” Aiden tells her, while I wonder how she knows about it before me.
I shouldn’t because that’s what friends do—confide in each other. It just feels wrong to me that the other woman should know first, which leaves me with the question as to whether she helped him choose the ring as she seems rather excited about it.
So that now begs the question as to whether or not I want the ring.
I’m being silly.
It will still be from Aiden.
“Hey, you got quiet,” Aiden leans over me.
“I’m tired and want to close my eyes.” I’m not sleepy enough to actually sleep. I just want to shut everyone out for a short while. I know I’m being childish, but I feel as though the excitement of Aiden asking me to marry him has been sucked out of me.