Page 5 of Love in Bloom (De La Fuente Family 3)
His family had been especially difficult for her. She hadn’t been part of a family for so long that in other circumstances she’d have loved to be part of the De La Fuente’s.
It hurt being there but not included in the family. Hurt that his family sneered at her and laughed behind her back. They were civil but she could feel the tension, the animosity, from them whenever she walked into the room.
She’d done what she’d been asked, but it hurt having the people she’d spent time with thinking that she was a horrible person. Mateo hadn’t taken her around them often and she couldn’t blame him. There had only been a few incidents where she’d been horrid, but the rest of the time, she’d acted an idiot. She’d shed so many tears behind closed doors over the hurt that she caused for everyone: Mateo, his family, and even herself.
His family thought that she was a spoilt princess with no common sense, which couldn’t be further from the truth. She’d grown up with a mother who’d worked three jobs just to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Everything in Erin’s life had turned into a financial struggle, more so since her mother had died of a heart attack three years before.
Erin wished that things had been different between her and Mateo because he was a handsome man, but he’d only ever known her as Caprice, the woman the PR hotshot had wanted her to portray. A glamorous young woman who’d won the partying-bachelor. And because they’d wanted her to be unpleasant, Mateo hated her, but he had no idea that it wasn’t really her, even though she’d slipped up a few times.
Her friend, Sadie, knew of the contract between her and the PR team and she’d been there every step of the way with helping Erin’s transformation into Caprice, the bitch. She’d practiced on Sadie and had found it so much easier after she’d had a bottle of wine. Unfortunately, she hadn’t been able to get drunk before appearing on Mateo’s arm, or when she’d had to stay with his family.
Mateo had no idea that she was usually fun to be around, and he’d only ever seen her as Caprice; full of make up, wearing clothes that she was really uncomfortable in.
Her own clothes of yoga pants and jeans were what she felt the most comfortable in, but of course, Mateo had no idea. He also had no idea that her favorite food was Chinese, just like his. She’d turned her nose up when he’d once offered to share because others had been watching at the time.
There was so much about her that she wished Mateo knew and she longed for him to find out about the clause that had been put into the contract she’d signed.
Sighing, she continued to pack for the trip to join Mateo in Montana, which filled her with a strange mixture of apprehension and excitement. His family wouldn’t be looking forward to her being there. But she’d have a week before the wedding to be herself and hopefully win them over.
But was that what she wanted? After all, her relationship with Mateo was going to end after the wedding, winning them over would only hurt her in the end.
She just knew that there was no way she could carry on as Caprice because she hated that person. She hated the clothes that made her Caprice, hated the way she talked, the way she looked down at everyone, hated that she was a bitch and basically every other thing about her persona.
Regardless to what others thought, she actually respected Mateo. She’d been on his arm while he’d spoken with the media and others who wanted to talk business ventures, and he’d been knowledgeable. A few times she’d nearly given herself away by adding to the conversation, as Erin, which had drawn a frown from Mateo.
Every time she’d slipped, she’d shrug off the silent question in his eyes, as she’d excuse herself to use the restroom. It would take minutes of silent panic, locked in the stall, as she tried to get control of herself—tried to take on the second life of Caprice even though stepping into her skin made her feel dirty.
Sometimes, she could pull it together quickly but often, it would take an excruciating long time as she worried about someone witnessing her panic. Thankfully, by the time she’d get back to Mateo, he wouldn’t mention anything, although she’d caught the odd look from him. It was
as though he couldn’t quite figure her out.
His family, on the other hand, were positive that she was nothing more than Caprice and they would probably have a party to celebrate their break up. She just wished that Roger would tell her why she’d been told to be a bitch. She’d asked but, so far, she’d never received an answer, only a pat on the head for a job well done.
But this visit to Mateo and his family was going to be different, she was going to be herself and she looked forward to it. She’d only packed her own clothes and nothing of ‘Caprice’s’ had made it into her case.
She had some good clothes and the outfit she’d bought for the wedding was so different from anything Caprice would wear. Instead, she’d gone for a dress that was Erin. It was lilac with a fitted bodice with purple pansies embroidered around the square neckline and a flared lilac skirt that stopped just above her knee. She’d matched her high heels to the dress and Sadie had approved of the outfit, telling her that she looked sweet and innocent…which she was.
Twisting her lips, she frowned at the only part of Caprice she couldn’t get rid of…her name. She would have to answer to Caprice and allow Mateo to end their relationship without his family knowing that he’d been out of control in Dallas.
Hopefully they’d both be able to put the past eighteen months behind them…she’d miss him though.
Chapter Three
“When does your fiancée arrive?” Diego asked the question with an edge to his voice as he sat opposite, his socked feet up on the coffee table.
Mateo felt tired with everything running around in his head and he couldn’t wait for the whole fiancée thing to be over with, or could he? Since she’d been in his apartment, he’d discovered a need to get to know the real woman underneath. Why though?
He shook his head and answered the easier question, “Tomorrow,” and hoped that would be the end of it.
Caprice had been so different the last time he’d seen her that he’d wondered if it had been the same woman. She’d seemed young and…sexy. God, every time he closed his eyes, he saw her legs and remembered the feel of her in his arms, the feel of her as she wiggled on his lap. His cock had certainly enjoyed that.
“Earth to Mateo.”
He snapped his eyes open and he wanted to throw something at Diego to wipe the smug look from his face. “You were dreaming.” He grinned. “She’s obviously doing something right.”
Mateo growled. “Leave Caprice out of this.” He sighed and breathed heavily wanting the frustration he felt to disappear. “Why are you here so early? I thought you had to work until the day before?”
Diego’s expression darkened, which made Mateo feel sorry for his younger brother. Something was obviously up with him and until Diego was ready to talk, it was pointless expecting him too.