Page 8 of Love in Purgatory (De La Fuente Family 2)
But he answered Sandra, “Yes, I love her. It feels like I’ve loved her all my life.” He smiled at Emelia before he turned back to Sandra.
“Let me show you out.” He headed for the woman but turned back to look at her, his expression stern. “You. Do not go anywhere, Si...Sissy.”
Emelia shook her head at him. Sissy, really? Well, it was a good save from sis.
She watched as he disappeared with Sandra, but she tried to see what was going on from her perch on the countertop.
He kept his voice low and she couldn’t see the door from where she perched. She looked around the kitchen as she tried to come up with an excuse. He’d be back within minutes, and he’d want answers for her behavior. She wasn’t ready to tell him the truth, and she didn’t think she’d ever be ready. Would there ever be a right time to tell him that Emiliano wasn’t their real father? She didn’t think there would be.
She’d accepted it easily because of her feelings toward Dante, but Diego had nothing like that to fall back on. She’d break his heart with that declaration. She couldn’t do it. She might not have the choice in the long run, though. Not if Eric decided what she knew needed confirming and addressing as a family.
“You’re still there,” Diego sounded surprised. She’d heard him slam his apartment door shut and click the bolt. “I thought you’d have gone hiding out.”
“I’m still waiting for my interrogation.” She smirked.
“Hmm,” he moved toward her, “I had you squirming before she showed up. You’ve had time to think up an excuse.”
“You’re wrong. I’ve just been sitting here waiting for you.”
He leaned against the sink opposite her, and asked, “Please talk to me. I know there is something, and it happened while we were home because that’s when you started to look so damn unhappy.”
“It’s nothing. Let’s just leave it.”
He didn’t say anything and just stood watching her.
That one word uttered from his mouth caused her to suddenly meet his gaze while she wondered what he’d worked out.
“You like spending time at his place,” Diego crossed his arms over his chest, “and now you are here instead of there. Did you two have an argument?”
“Just leave it, please.” She couldn’t hold his gaze any longer, and looked off into space. She didn’t really see anything other than Dante’s face from that night. He had blurred in her vision as he kissed her forehead before he walked away. “He’s had enough of me staying there, and said I should get out and meet people.” She had tears in her voice as she admitted, “He meant men.”
“God, Emelia. I’m not stupid, and I know what he meant. You can’t blame him really. I know he’s our brother, but he isn’t only a priest, he’s fourteen years older than us, and I can see where he may not want you visiting for long periods. Don’t get your panties in a wad over it. I happen to agree with him.” He offered her a wicked smile.
She knew that smile. “Diego, please tell me you didn’t?”
“Didn’t what?”
“Ugh,” she jumped down from the counter, “you know exactly what I’m referring to. You didn’t fix me up with anyone, did you?”
“Can you please remember that I’m not just your brother, I’m your twin, which is really special, before I answer?”
She rolled her eyes and prodded him in the stomach with her finger. “Tell me.”
“Gosh, Sis.” He moved away from her, but she followed.
He wasn’t getting away with leaving her to fly blind. Not only was she not interested in anyone other than Dante, but she hated being set up.
“If you must know he’s a nice guy and he’s really choosy as to whom he drops his pants for.”
She blinked not believing he said that to her. “Eww, you did not go there?” She hit his arm, “Diego!”
He laughed and tried to catch her arms as they flayed in his direction. “Look,” he held her arms down at her sides, “he’s a good guy. I wouldn’t set you up with a dick. No way in hell.”
“I’m not interested.” All her energy seemed to desert her now and she just wanted to go curl up in her bed.
“Just meet him.”