Page 9 of Love in Montana (De La Fuente Family 1)
Gulping the last of his coffee down, his apartment doorbell started to buzz. It was too early for someone to call, it wasn’t even nine. For a minute, his heart went frantic with the brief idea that it could be Sylvia. It wouldn’t be and he needed to get a grip.
On his feet, he slowly made his way to the door, wondering if he should ignore it. But whoever was out there had started to get impatient with the string of noise coming from the buzzer. Also, whoever it was had sweet-talked their way up to his apartment because no one got past security, or so his sister had discovered.
At the door, he yanked it open and stood in shocked delight. His brother, Aiden, stood there with a large grin on his face.
“What am I interrupting?” Aiden asked, and tugged Eric into his arms for a tight hug.
He hadn’t realized just how much he’d missed his brother until that moment. Aiden raced anything with high speed and had scared the shit out of him on more than one occasion. Racing was Aiden’s life, but Eric had gotten the feeling that his brother had grown tired of it all.
“You going to close the door?” Aiden raised a brow in question.
Eric laughed. “Fuck.” The door slammed closed after he kicked it with his foot. “You want coffee? I have fresh.”
In the kitchen, Eric poured himself a fresh cup, and passed his brother a cup of the still hot coffee.
He was happy that his brother stood opposite him. They were close when they were growing up but somewhere along the line, they’d drifted apart even though they’d stayed in touch. Each of them had their own dreams they needed to follow before they could follow anything else, or anyone else.
“How long are you staying for?” Eric asked.
Moving into the living room, he dropped into his chair, and waved Aiden over to the sofa.
“Lexington? Not long. I’m on my way to see Dad and Lucia but wanted to see you first. It’s been too long, brother.”
“I agree.” His eyes stayed on Aiden in case he disappeared. “I can’t believe you’re here. How long has it been?”
“You know exactly how long it’s been, Eric,” Aiden drawled with a smirk, knowing him well.
“Two years and four months.”
Aiden held up his cup in a silent toast. “How you doing now that you’re out? And don’t bullshit me.”
“Who’s the older brother?” Eric commented, and continued, “I’m doing okay. I miss it. Not as much as I did. But it’s all I’ve ever done…all I’ve ever known.” He took a drink as he collected his thoughts. “I’m not sure which direction to go in yet. I’ve helped Will out a few times at his center. Sebastian has offered me a position with them as head of security, but I’m not sure if that’s what I want to do.” Eric grinned as Sylvia slipped back into his thoughts. She had never really been out of them.
“Hmm,” Aiden mumbled, and drained his cup. “I know that look, bro. You’re hiding something.”
“Not really. She’s—”
“Let me finish. Sylvia is a breath of fresh air that I’m finding difficult to get out of my head. Working for Seb would have its advantages because she’s his assistant. I’m probably going to have to beg on my knees to get her to talk to me now,” Eric admitted.
“Why? What have you done?” Aiden looked comfortable as he stretched out with an ankle over the opposite knee. Eric noticed his brother’s eyes sparkled with mirth
because he’d put Eric on the spot.
Eric briefly met his brother’s gaze before he turned away and sighed. “I let her leave this morning thinking that I was asleep. A total bastard move.”
Aiden gave him an incredulous look. “You must really like this woman because I’ve never known you to be bothered about that shit. In fact, you’re usually the one doing the leaving without a backward glance.”
Those words described Eric perfectly, and his brother knew just how spot on they were, otherwise, he wouldn’t have said anything.
“She’s different. But I’m sure she was just another one-night stand. I’m just getting fucking old.”
Aiden chuckled with laughter. “That is funny. My brother is finally sunk over a woman.”
“Screw you.”