Page 64 of Love in Montana (De La Fuente Family 1)
Opening the door, Eric carried her over the threshold, and placed her on her feet. “Are you okay to walk? I certainly don’t mind having you in my arms.”
She smiled. “I can walk, although slowly.”
Eric nodded, and reached for her hand. She was glad because she wanted him close. His presence in her life had been deeply missed, and she hoped that they’d never experience that again.
“There isn’t a great deal of furniture in yet.” He pulled her slowly into his arms and held her. Her arms slipped around his waist as her head rested on his chest. “I wanted us both to furnish this place together. I did buy a bed and the basics that I thought you’d like, but everything else, I want us to do together.” He kissed the top of her head. “I guess you know by now that this is our house, Sylvia.”
Although she knew that was what he meant, it made her heart flutter in her chest to hear him speak the words.
“I want us to live together. I mean that’s what we started to do before we went to Montana, so I figured if I did this for you that you would know how much I love you.”
“Oh, Eric. I love you, and will live with you. I would have lived with you in your apartment if that’s all you had, I hope you realize that.”
“I do, babe.”
“Will you take me upstairs so I can see this bed you’ve bought us.”
His eyes widened. “Now, you need to behave. No funny business until I’ve spoken to your doctor.” He lifted her up in his arms.
“Oh my, God. You are not asking my doctor when I can have sex. No. No. No.”
He laughed all the way up the stairs and to their room where he placed her in the middle of the soft bed. It was a wooden sleigh bed and had such a thick comforter on top that she sunk straight into it and never wanted to move.
“I like it here. Think I’ll stay here forever.”
Eric crawled on beside her. “I think I’d like you in this house forever. With me.” He kissed her nose. “And I knew you were referring to the bed.”
“I’m yours, Eric.”
Their first Christmas together had been amazing.
Eric’s father had invited Sylvia’s family to spend Christmas with everyone in Montana, and Sylvia had jumped at the invitation, which solved the problem of them being separated over Christmas.
Sylvia’s parents Joy and Tim, along with her brother, Kane, and his family had been eager to make their way to Montana. Her parents had been delighted to meet his family now that she was considered one of their own.
Both families had come together really well, and so far, there hadn’t been any hiccups. Sylvia’s niece, Sam, had been fun to watch as she steamrolled through all her presents. Kane mentioned he’d have to look into renting a U-Haul to get all of his daughter’s presents home. She may have been spoiled a little bit.
Sylvia had been kissed so many times that she’d admitted her head spun. Lucia had thought it necessary to string mistletoe up around the house, and if caught under with a woman, the guys had to do the honorable thing and kiss them. His brothers had teased him by constantly finding themselves beneath with Sylvia. He was on to them, though.
It did become awkward when Dante and Emelia ended up beneath a huge cluster. Sylvia and Eric had been present and had frozen, but settled when Dante leaned in and pecked Emelia on the cheek. Poor Emelia had gulped back her tears and tried to carry on as Dante disappeared, his face void of expression.
But, he had to agree, that the most romantic gesture had come from him.
With help from his brothers, he’d hooked Snow White and Rapunzel up to a large sleigh. Sylvia had been surprised and tears had been close to falling. Maybe one or two had escaped.
Eric knew that Sylvia had no clue were he guided the horses to. The winter storm from Thanksgiving had stayed away so far while they’d been back in Montana, and he only hoped it would stay away longer.
It was Sylvia’s first sleigh ride, and her excitement had drifted toward him. His body was overheated—and not just because of the blanket that covered them—his face felt frozen. He didn’t think Sylvia faired any better.
It took a while, but eventually as they’d climbed higher, the sleigh came to a stop, and he pointed to the sky with a grin.
Sylvia turned and her mouth dropped open on a gasp.
Auroras Borealis or the Northern Lights.
“Seriously?” she turned and asked.