Page 5 of Love in Montana (De La Fuente Family 1)
In her haste to get away from him, to remove herself from his sight, she stumbled and nearly landed on her ass, but managed to save herself at the last minute.
And that’s when the shouting broke out near the bar. Sylvia glanced over and had to blink a couple of times because she thought she saw Eric just before he took a swing at another guy.
Her heart beat wildly in her chest at the thought that Eric had seen her dancing. She really hoped he’d missed it, but as the fighting hedged toward the door, she knew he’d seen her.
At that point, Sylvia turned tail and ran back to the dressing room. She quickly stripped and redressed in her jeans, tee shirt and purple biker boots. Grabbing her purse, she ran back out and shoved her way to the front of the club where she’d seen the men disappear. She only gave the creep a quick thought before he was shoved out of her head. She had more things to worry about without him getting in the way. He might not even be the guy sending her the notes.
Sylvia pushed through the entrance, and didn’t know whether to sigh in relief, or fear, when she saw that Eric was still outside. The argument was still in full swing.
Chapter Three
Eric’s blood sizzled after he’d watched Sylvia move seductively on stage. She’d had his tongue hanging from his mouth with lust, but then she’d made him see red when he came back to his senses and realized every fucking guy in the club was lusting after her—his woman. No fucking way could he let that carry on! He’d been about to haul her ass from the stage when Zane had gotten all bent outta shape over some fucker talking shit about the woman he had a major hard-on for.
Said fucker was being kept from going back inside to find the woman, Bea. Her ex-husband and from what he’d seen so far, Bea had made the right decision to walk away. Eric had had enough of trying to keep Zane back from the idiot. If anyone deserved to lose his head, it was the ass of an ex. Eric had no time for anyone who would use their fists on a defenseless woman.
But as soon as they were finished, he planned on going back inside to corner Sylvia. No way was he going to allow her to get back on stage in that place. No way in hell. She wouldn’t like it, but he wasn’t about to give her a choice. She’d been beautiful though, and sexy as fuck. His dick had thickened with arousal as she’d curved her body around the pole like an expert. Her eyes had been closed through her whole performance, which had given him pause.
His cock hadn’t been so fucking hard since the last time he’d seen Sylvia, and then she’d been going up in flames in his arms.
Hearing footsteps behind him, Eric turned before freezing. The woman in question was mere feet from him, and seemed just as surprised to see him as he was to see her. Oh, he knew he’d see her before he left, but he hadn’t expected her to high tail it outside in a rush. It had to have been a rush considering she’d only just finished her routine.
He struggled to remove his eyes from her as his gaze ate her up like she was a rare piece of steak. She was just as beautiful up close as he remembered.
“Eric,” she whispered, stepping closer. “I can explain.” Sylvia turned her head toward the club and then back to him.
He was about to acknowledge her with words when he felt the air around him become even hotter, so he gave his friend his attention and tried to ignore Sylvia. If he had Zane’s back then he needed to center on his friend. He needed to help him get rid of the idiot who thought that by coming to Bea’s place of work he’d be able to get her to leave with him—he was sadly mistaken if he thought that would work.
“I’m going, but this isn’t the fucking end.” The fucker started to back down the alley, and the minute he disappeared around the corner, Zane started for the backdoor of the club.
“Thanks man.” Zane gripped his shoulder before he moved toward the building. “I’m going to Yuri’s office.”
The quiet descended on Eric as Zane disappeared from view. He knew Sylvia still stood behind him. Her scent was unique—flowery.
As he met her eyes, all he wanted was for her to be in his arms, preferably naked.
“I can explain,” she rushed out. “I mean, well, I don’t really need to explain, but I can. I think.”
Amusement lit his eyes as Sylvia stumbled over her words. Nothing came to his mind other than desperation to taste her lips.
So that’s what he did.
Eric cupped one large hand behind Sylvia’s head, and with a small tug had her up against him as his head dipped to her rose colored lips.
One taste he told himself, but as their lips met and he sank into the kiss, he was lost as much as Sylvia seemed to be.
Her soft moan, which he caught in his mouth as he deepened the kiss, had him rock hard behind his zipper. His other hand came up and caressed her face as the kiss turned nuclear.
He had the passing thought to calm it down, but when he felt Sylvia rub against his hardness and her tits press into his chest, he lost all ability to think.
The woman was his for the taking and he wanted to take so fucking badly.
Just not in an alley. His apartment was close by.
What the fuck was he thinking? No woman had ever stepped into his apartment other than his sister, Emelia. But he could see Sylvia there. Spread out on top of his large bed with her hair spread out like a halo surrounding her and covering his pillow.
“Come back with me.” Eric groaned when her hand grasped him through his jeans. “Fuck, Sylvia.” He grabbed her wrist and moved her hand away. “No more of that until we’re in private. Tell me you’re mine for tonight. Tell me, Sylvia,” he begged, holding her gaze.
She gulped with nerves, her eyes as large as the moon, but said, “I’m yours, Eric.”