Page 7 of A Soldier's Christmas
Everything had been affected because of her sorrow: her writing, her relationship with her mom, and even working in town. Her mind was constantly elsewhere instead of on the present.
She took in a steady breath and marveled at the calm flowing through her. It was definitely the best plan—to find Logan—and her spirits were starting to pick up. All she had to do was get through Christmas and keep everything to herself. There was no way she’d allow her mom, or the rest of her family, to talk her out of her brilliant idea.
“That’s a beautiful smile.”
Emma pulled herself back into the present and stared at Betty. Matchmaker Betty was what everyone called her, and she relished the title.
“Thank you, Betty. I’ve just made my mind up about something so my smile is warranted.”
Betty crossed her arms and looked her over. Emma was used to this, and couldn’t keep the amusement off her face.
“There was a man outside.” Betty smirked when Emma’s gaze flickered to the window. The same window that she’d looked through when she’d gotten the goose bumps. “He was mesmerized with you,” she added, and looked rather smug about it. “He was cute as well. Far too young for me.” She chuckled.
Emma smiled. “I’m sure he was just passing by.” Even as the words left her mouth she wondered about him and whether or not he was the reason that she’d reacted not too long ago.
“You need a nice young man, Emma. Someone to tangle in the sheets with.”
“What?” Emma choked in surprise, heat rushing to her cheeks.
“I might be old, but I was young once.” Betty had a dreamy look across her face. “You haven’t smiled for a while now. I think you should go visit with Adele and try to catch sight of the handsome young man who’d disappeared in that direction. Maybe he could put a smile on your face”
Emma smiled softly. “I’m sure he was handsome, but I’m fine, Betty.” Emma bent and kissed Betty’s cheek. “I really you have a lovely Christmas.” Emma quickly walked away before Betty had her agreeing to go and find the ‘handsome young man’.
Chapter 7
A new day, and more snow. He couldn’t remember ever seeing as much snow as he had since he’d arrived in town. It made everywhere look so pretty, and white. The whiteness would be blinding if he hadn’t brought his shades with him. But today he was going to claim Emma Kell
er for himself. At least, he hoped that was the outcome. He’d been unable to settle after he caught sight of her the day before, and it had taken a great deal of strength to not turn around and go back to talk to her.
He’d eventually talked himself into the fact that he’d made the right decision in the end because he didn’t want to approach her unaware in the middle of a store. He wanted her to be around her own home, which is why he’d waited and bided his time. He’d eaten sandwiches and soup for lunch and the snow had finally stopped.
The snowplow had made the road through town passable, which was why Logan was dressed to face the outside elements. He was armed with a map and the print out showing the area that covered the zip code from Emma’s return address.
He had to start somewhere, and that included getting the snow off his truck. All he could make out was a lump where it was parked. He sighed. It would take him about an hour to get the truck cleaned off from the snow.
He turned to head back inside and nearly crashed into Greg.
“Saw you headed out with keys in hand so figured you’d need help.” He smiled and held up a couple of snow shovels.
“Thank you.” Logan smiled in relief, even though he felt that Greg was itching to get Logan’s destination out of him.
He’d like to trust Greg and ask for directions, but Logan wasn’t sure he wouldn’t tell Adele, who he figured loved to gossip.
“You know,” Greg started, “there is a winter fest on at the town hall in a few days. If you’re still in town, you should go.”
Logan laughed. “You asking me out?” He teased.
“Fuck no!” Greg laughed. “There will be a few single girls there is all I meant.”
Logan paused from shoveling the snow from around the tires and admitted, “I have a girl. At least, I hope I do.”
“Hmm,” Greg mumbled. “Now that’s telling.” He rested against the shovel in his hand. “So, if she’s not with you, then I’m guessing you’re visiting her.”
Logan had probably said too much, but he hadn’t named anyone. “Maybe.”
Greg laughed. “Okay, don’t tell me, at least that way, my mother won’t be able to get it out of me.”