Page 32 of A Soldier's Christmas
Hmm, that word described her to a ‘T’ right then. Her horny little body twirled around the dance floor with her sister who was nowhere near as graceful as Emma since her belly was large and swollen. He would have thought Bree was ready to give birth at any moment, but everyone assured him that she still had a few weeks to go. Her husband watched her closely and Logan feared that he was watching Emma the same way.
“I so wish I wasn’t here tonight,” Travis grouched as he took the seat beside him. “My sisters are trying like hell to turn their guys on and I need bleach to unsee that.” Travis pointed to the dance floor.
Logan chuckled into his beer. “Well, in the interest of full disclosure, it’s working.”
“Shit,” he slammed his beer down, “you did not go there.”
“Sorry man, but your sister is hot.”
Travis shook his head and kept his back to the dance floor. “You’re a lot older than Emma, but I’m glad she followed her heart. As much as I liked Seth, he wasn’t good for her, but I actually believe that you are.”
Logan stayed silent, glad that he had her brother’s approval. He knew that he didn’t need it because Emma was his, but it was nice hearing that he had it.
“Nothing to say?” Travis watched him from the corner of his eye.
“Thank you.” Logan shrugged as he finished his beer. He watched the man beside him for a few minutes before he decided to ask. “How long have you known about her writing?”
Travis nodded his head. “I knew that’s why she’d been calling me, hence why I have yet to answer...I’ve known for a few months.” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m proud of her, Logan. Really, damn proud of her. She went after what she wanted regardless of what Mom said about it. She did it without any support from us, and that makes me sad. She should have had our support from the start, and I wish I hadn’t forgotten all about it after she raised the subject one night over dinner. I saw how crushed she was, but I had my own problems and forgot about Emma’s dream. I hate myself for that.” Travis drained his beer, and added with a smile that did reach his eyes, “I have all her books and I’ve read them a couple of times. They’re good and I’m eagerly awaiting the next installment, but don’t tell her that.”
“I don’t need to.” Logan indicated behind Travis.
While Travis had been talking, Emma had come up behind them and heard the last part of their conversation. Tears leaked from her eyes while she focused on her brother.
Travis groaned, but smiled as Emma threw herself into her brother’s arms. In her excitement, she nearly knocked Travis from the barstool.
They held each other close, and Emma finally kissed her brother on the cheek. “Thank you. Hearing what you said meant a lot to me.”
“Oh, sis. You are an amazing writer, and I’m proud of you...I just wish you’d tell the others because it’s been killing me having to keep it to myself and not being able to shout it out to the town.”
“I’m telling them Christmas day.” She kissed Travis on his other cheek.
Logan thought that Travis was secretly pleased at the affection his sister showed him, but he laughed when Travis nodded and gave Emma a shove into his arms.
“You can stop kissing me now and go and get it on with your guy.”
“I’m all for that,” Logan agreed, and laughed harder as Travis groaned in discomfort.
Chapter 21
Emma’s emotions were close to the surface while she danced with Logan. She’d been in a state of arousal since before they’d left their room, but when she’d overheard Travis talking to Logan that had all been forgotten. She loved her brother and knew that if she hadn’t overheard him that he wouldn’t have told her as much as he did Logan.
She smiled to herself and snuggled against Logan’s chest while he held her securely in his arms. She just hoped the rest of her family were as easy to talk to about her writing as Travis was.
While they danced, Emma hadn’t missed the looks and stares from everyone in the room, but she didn’t pay much attention. Where she lived was a small town and everyone needed to know everyone else’s business—it drove her crazy. And in her excitement, she’d wanted to give them something more to talk about. Which is why, she plastered herself against Logan to his utter delight if the blaze of heat in his eyes was anything to go by.
Her arms wrapped around his neck as his arms wrapped around her waist and held her tightly. She’d never felt more secure as she did with his warmth surrounding her.
“You feel so good against me,” she whispered into his ear, and felt a shudder wrack his body.
“Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” He gently rubbed his erection against her belly. “Because you feel fucking fantastic against me.”
“Mmm,” she inhaled his musky scent, “I think we both need to cool down or the folk around us will be getting more of a show.”
Logan smiled and kissed her softly. “I think the sleigh ride is waiting for us then.”
“I think so too.”
Emma cupped the back of his head and held him steady while she sealed her lips to his in a too short kiss. “More of those to keep us warm outside...Let’s go and grab our jackets.”