Page 30 of A Soldier's Christmas
Logan knelt in front of her and took hold of her hands. “I understand. Although I told her that I’d forgive her, it isn’t something that I’ll ever forget. The fact is though, that we’re together now and I have no intention of ever leaving you. I don’t have any more deployments and the time to me being free will fast approach, and then I’m going to be all yours. I think we need a week on a deserted island. Just the two of us. Naked the whole time, and between sex, sex and more sex, we can decide on where we want to live.”
Emma rolled her eyes and chuckled. “I know what you’re doing, Mr. Logan. You’re trying to lift the gloom that has settled over me, and it’s working because I like the idea of sex, sex and more sex.” She waggled her brows.
Logan laughed. “So do I but, right now, I want to take a nap with you in my arms...think you’ve zapped all my energy with how demanding you are.” He dropped to the bed and kicked his boots off to land on the floor.
“Me demanding, huh?” Emma stood over him with her hands on her hips.
She looked so beautiful that his heart caught in his chest. Reaching out, he pulled her down on top of him.
Once he had her settled so that he could spoon behind her, he nuzzled into her neck. “No more demanding than me,” he admitted. “I’ve been without you for too long, so I want everything right now.”
“Mmm, I feel the same way. But we’re going to be together from now on, which fills me with happiness...and I’m actually feeling drowsy now.”
“Go to sleep, babe, and then we’ll wake up and get ready for the town dance.”
“Hmm mmm.”
“At the dance I’m going to corner my brother,” Emma stated while she inserted the diamond studs into her ears. “He’ll be there. He always is.”
“What if he admits that the rest of your family knows about your writing?” Logan asked, fastening his newly pressed shirt.
“They don’t. If they did, then Bree and Gabe would have said something. There is no way they’d have been able to keep it quiet.” Emma moved and stood in front of him, her hands caressing back and forth on his chest. “I just want to know how he figured it out and when.”
“Okay.” He smiled at the woman he loved. “You look heart stoppingly beautiful.” He cupped the back of her head and brought her closer. Her lips were Christmas red, which sent his thoughts below his belt.
She gave a throaty chuckle. “Oh, I know where your mind went.” She teased him through his trousers with a finger. “You can wait until later, and I’ll put more red lipstick on before I wrap my lips around you.”
“Mmm, you aren’t helping.”
Emma reached up and kissed him, and when she smiled her whole face lit up with delight. “I love you,” She wiped his lips with her thumb, “and, just think, all this naughty package is yours.” Her hands smoothed down her sides, and he caught his breath.
Two could play at that game. He grabbed her hand and pressed her palm against his erection, which tented his trousers. “And that, babe, is all yours.”
“Oh, wow. I think you should have worn jeans.” She patted him, while he gulped back his desire for the tempting woman.
He chuckled and moved out of reach. “I’ll be okay out in public. It’s while we’re alone that I don’t hold back what you make me feel.”
Logan headed for the bathroom to check out his reflection in the mirror, and sighed. He stared into the mirror until he felt his erection had deflated enough to be descent.
He’d never had problems before, but then again, he’d never met anyone like Emma before either. Her subtle scent would waft toward his nose and he’d be instantly hard.
“Logan, you nearly ready?”
“I’m ready,” he answered, and stepped out of the bathroom.
He inwardly groaned when she started to give him a once over. “You need to stop eyeing me up, otherwise, everyone will know exactly how you make me feel.”
“You’re like a randy teenager.” Emma rolled her eyes and he laughed.
He was a few years short of forty so Emma calling him a randy teenager felt good. “Any time, babe.”
“We better leave before I say to hell with it, because I really want that sleigh ride with you.”
“Sleigh ride?” he questioned as Emma passed him his jacket.
“Yeah. Dad always loans the sleigh that you started to help him with yesterday to the town for the Winter Fest, and I so want a ride with you on there.”
“Won’t you be cold?” He eyed her dress. It fitted her like a second skin to her hips and then it floated down to mid calf.